without knowing about the alias, to me no pants would mean something like "when a character has a top and underwear on(or a covered/obscured groin) but no 'pants' or any type of bottomwear usually worn over underwear(pants, shorts, skirt, etc.)". with that kind of logic these kind of pics might be getting auto included into the bottomless category
post #687112 post #1260193 post #1615078
maybe make it it's own tag but might be easier to just alias to invalid
wanted to use it for this pic since you can't tell if the character has underwear on or not to really be bottomless.
not a tag I've ever used just a common sense tag kind of thing "well bottomless might not be appropriate... no_pants maybe?" fast forward here after checking the wiki
alias: https://e621.net/tag_alias?query=no_pants&aliased_to=&user=&approved=all&forum_post=all&order=tag