am i the only one the has a special place in her heart for (particularly women's) pubic hair? to some, its wierd, ill thank you not to bitch about it, but for those of you who do like it, let me know im not alone :P
Updated by user 22273
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am i the only one the has a special place in her heart for (particularly women's) pubic hair? to some, its wierd, ill thank you not to bitch about it, but for those of you who do like it, let me know im not alone :P
Updated by user 22273
My eyes X_x
Come on man D:
Updated by anonymous
if your talking about what you get when you type the tag "pubic_tuft" then yes i love it. if you are talking about real life then... no -.-
Updated by anonymous
Eh, not really......
Updated by anonymous
luvdaporn said:
if your talking about what you get when you type the tag "pubic_tuft" then yes i love it. if you are talking about real life then... no -.-
yeah thats the one :P
Updated by anonymous
Fox2K9 said:
My eyes X_xCome on man D:
yeah you gota be careful, that stuff can get in your eyes when you get too close :P
Updated by anonymous
though not just tufts, sometimes(not as often) just general pubic hair thats grown semi wild but in a nice this:
in rl, it can be a pain, but somes its nice....other times is kinda gross, like those hairless dogs, so yeah kinda gross find that right balance
Updated by anonymous
I thought you were talking about real pubes... On a furry site... Lol.
Chest tufts are cool.
Updated by anonymous
Fox2K9 said:
I thought you were talking about real pubes... On a furry site... Lol.Chest tufts are cool.
you'd be surprised to find out people actually have sex outside of cybering, and they like different things
Updated by anonymous
edward said:
you'd be surprised to find out people actually have sex outside of cybering, and they like different things
Updated by anonymous
Fox2K9 said:
your post implies that people on a furry site would not be interested in real pubic hair, which also implies have no real sex.
Updated by anonymous
edward said:
your post implies that people on a furry site would not be interested in real pubic hair, which also implies have no real sex.
Are you some kind of "<em>Durrr! I just discovered Tube8, now i knows teh all!</em>"?
Updated by anonymous
Fox2K9 said:
Are you some kind of "<em>Durrr! I just discovered Tube8, now i knows teh all!</em>"?
nope, since i actually had to google tube8 to find out what that was, please put your butthurt back in your bag and your head out of your ass, that's what it looked like, and that's what I'm calling it
Updated by anonymous
edward said:
nope, since i actually had to google tube8 to find out what that was, please put your butthurt back in your bag and your head out of your ass, that's what it looked like, and that's what I'm calling it
Lol, take a hike smart man. Haha
Updated by anonymous
Fox2K9 said:
Lol, take a hike smart man. Haha
sorry sir if you interpreted my words as hostile and now have to take an internet tough guy approach to it so it won't hurt your fragile ego, but seriosly, your initial comment
Fox2K9 said:
I thought you were talking about real pubes... On a furry site... Lol.
makes you sound like furries have to not enjoy real sex, and it only reflects on you
Updated by anonymous
edward said:
sorry sir if you interpreted my words as hostile and now have to take an internet tough guy approach to it so it won't hurt your fragile ego, but seriosly, your initial comment
makes you sound like furries have to not enjoy real sex, and it only reflects on you
It also makes you sound fooking stupid.
And look at you being all "<em>Sorry sir, but i'm getting all horny while thinking you are offended by my words, fap fap</em>".
Updated by anonymous
how so? I'm only stating the obvious, unlike you where you're resorting to childish insults.
Updated by anonymous
edward said:
how so? I'm only stating the obvious, unlike you where you're resorting to childish insults.
I bet that now you will tell me that your IQ is 150 (EU standard) :>
Enough of this, unless you want to normally talk with me, don't reply to my post like a retard.
Updated by anonymous
Fox2K9 said:
I bet that now you will tell me that your IQ is 150 (EU standard) :>Enough of this, unless you want to normally talk with me, don't reply to my post like a retard.
the only retard here is the one resorting to insulting other peoples intellect.
Updated by anonymous
edward said:
the only retard here is the one resorting to insulting other peoples intellect.
Pfft, what ever rocks your boat man. I said what i had to say.
Updated by anonymous
You should have been more precise to avoid such things
Updated by anonymous
ok guys lets turn from bitch fest an go back to the topic lol...(though i gota say, your pretty easily perked into a fight foxy...)
what we've established so far:
rl pubes CAN be nice, though im sure we're all very thankful for razors.
furry porn pubes look great(though if they were real, im sure would make sex a little more difficult)
chest an pubic tufts are cute/sexy
any one got anything to add? :P
Updated by anonymous
bella said:
am i the only one the has a special place in her heart for (particularly women's) pubic hair? to some, its wierd, ill thank you not to bitch about it, but for those of you who do like it, let me know im not alone :P
Updated by anonymous
What does this look like, an excavation site?
Updated by anonymous
psst, maybe take a look at the time stamps next time
Updated by anonymous
I don't mind old threads being revived that much. It depends on the kind of thread and its content. I can't speak for my fellow forumites however.
Updated by anonymous
Sorrowless said:
I don't mind old threads being revived that much. It depends on the kind of thread and its content. I can't speak for my fellow forumites however.
It's kinda silly. I mean, why would you reply to something so old? If you're replying conversationally, it's rather dumb because for all you know the posters are dead or gone, and they won't remember it anyway. If it's an interesting thread, then make a new one.
Updated by anonymous
I don't really mind people kicking old threads either (though six years is where it gets kinda ridiculous), but if you do it you'd better have something worthwhile to say, and "yeah <3" doesn't fall within my definition of that.
Updated by anonymous
Jugofthat said:
I don't really mind kicking old threads either (though six years is where it gets kinda ridiculous), but if you do it you'd better have something worthwhile to say, and "yeah <3" doesn't fall within my definition of that.
True, true.
Updated by anonymous
my pubes are curly too
Updated by anonymous
I sometimes enjoy pubes in a pic. It depends upon how well it's groomed, for the most part. I don't really care whether it's a small patch or a thick bush, as long as it looks like it's kept up well.
For the most part, though, I prefer that it be smooth down there.
Updated by anonymous
Aster_Viridian said:
It's kinda silly. I mean, why would you reply to something so old? If you're replying conversationally, it's rather dumb because for all you know the posters are dead or gone, and they won't remember it anyway. If it's an interesting thread, then make a new one.
The question is. Is it better to make a new thread or revive an existing thread.
Updated by anonymous
Fox2K9 said:
Are you some kind of "<em>Durrr! I just discovered Tube8, now i knows teh all!</em>"?
Oh... the internet was an ugly place six years ago.
Updated by anonymous
Fenrick said:
Oh... the internet was an ugly place six years ago.
if it was ugly six years ago, what does that say about now?
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
if it was ugly six years ago, what does that say about now?
Updated by anonymous
GDelscribe said:
The question is. Is it better to make a new thread or revive an existing thread.
revive is one thing, responding directly to a 6 year old comment is another.
do think reviving is better then making a new thread if the to be discussed subject is still in line with the OP but the user who necroed this was responding to a user most likly no longer here.>>
Updated by anonymous
GDelscribe said:
The question is. Is it better to make a new thread or revive an existing thread.
Depends on how old the original thread is, and how important the thing you want to add is. If it's 6 years old since it was last touched and you want to add "yeah" then don't. Make a blip about it or just say it to yourself but an old thread doesn't need bumped for that. Mistakes happen though. People usually only get slapped for it if they make it a frequent habit or broke other rules at the same time.
Generally if it's over a month since the thread was active, there needs to be a good reason for reviving it. Like a tag change that was never completed and needs revived to bring it back to attention. Or a new problem has surfaced about the old change and it may need reconsidered. Or it's the thread of an app or tool and new info/bugs/etc needs to brought to the maker's attention. Bumping threads for more casual chat has a much smaller time frame. As a basic rule of thumb: the older the thread, the more important the reason needs to be of why you didn't just create a new thread to address whatever needs addressing. If it's younger than a month old, then you're probably ok. We're not draconian over it, but we do appreciate when people keep this in mind.
Updated by anonymous
In a furry picture, I like a little pubes, but in real life, I better not have to chop my way through an jungle just to find the treasure. Just sayin'...
Updated by anonymous
Nikolaithefur said:
In a furry picture, I like a little pubes, but in real life, I better not have to chop my way through an jungle just to find the treasure. Just sayin'...
This made me think of Scary Movie 1.
Updated by anonymous
I'd have to say no on both furries and actual people. With furries it just feels really unnecessary... they're already covered with fur, why bother. And with actual people, the crotch afro is just plain repulsive, even minimal amounts of hair is just unappealing for me.
Updated by anonymous
I'm surprised so many people are this disgusted by the unmodified human body
Updated by anonymous
As a canine hybrid (coyote/labia_retriever), for me it comes down to ease of access vs. aesthetics: if tidily trimmed, all is well with the world
Updated by anonymous
pubes are awesome ! let the flew...
Updated by anonymous
Jugofthat said:
What does this look like, an excavation site?
what happened at this time ? what were we talking about ? what even is an excavation site!
Updated by anonymous
what happened at this time ? what were we talking about ? what even is an excavation site!
They were pointing out that you bumped a half decade old thread. And now you did it again years later. Try to read time stamps and leave ancient threads alone.
Updated by anonymous