Topic: Tag Implication: fire_stone -> evolutionary_stone

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating fire_stone → evolutionary_stone
Link to implication


A Fire Stone is a type of evolutionary stone.

There is also:
water_stone → evolutionary_stone
thunder_stone → evolutionary_stone
leaf_stone → evolutionary_stone
sun_stone → evolutionary_stone
moon_stone → evolutionary_stone
dawn_stone → evolutionary_stone

These are currently the only evolutionary stones with any drawings, as far as I can see, so I haven't suggested any others.

EDIT: The tag implication fire_stone -> evolutionary_stone (forum #272802) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

d.d.m. said:
Bumping, see topic #28895 for all the other evolutionary_stone implications.

When building a BUR, it's possible to link it to a pre-existing thread so that it posts to that thread instead of a new one. Speeds up the process of bumping without the need to add in a new link.

I know implications that already exist (like fire_stone -> evolutionary_stone) can be added to a BUR, but I didn't want to take a chance that it would cause the BUR to encounter an error when going through the approval process.

If you're talking about linking the BUR to this forum thread via the "Forum topic" field in the "Request BUR" page, you're very much correct. That's how I should have submitted that BUR, but I didn't think about submitting the BUR that way and it completely slipped my mind (whoops).

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