Something I've always been wondering,
That I'm just now getting around to asking.
I know the surface answer is because they've
been converted into JPEG and transparency
isn't a thing with JPEG. ╹‿╹)
But with that said,
I guess the title should be:
"Why do thumbnails convert PNGs (and on a low-key note GIFs) into JPEG?"
But I'm getting sidetracked,
Sorry about that ◠‿◠)
- Is it for processing reasons?
- Are JPEGs easier to load than PNGs?
- Or is it for another reason?
For anyone more familiar with this kinda thing, I would Love to hear what you have to say about this.
Would be super neat to have this long-lived pet pev put to bed!
Also I wish everyone reading this an amazing day! Thanks for stopping by ◠‿╹)~★