Topic: We requested an image takedown, and we're ready to publish it again (but can't).

Posted under General

User Jealous Goat posted the original (I think. It had a few misplaced tags and apparently he uploaded the wrong file.

Jealous Goat also wants his e621 account deleted and doesn't know how to do it manually, as he can't find a button (nor can he confirm his email anymore). He's asking "How can an idiot nuke himself?"

He's... majorly distraught.


There's no user named Jealous Goat and `JealousGoat` hasn't done anything on the site. If this is the same person, considering their status is "Unactivated" they could've been using throwaway email account which usually result to this situation. They will have to contact administration with all possible information regarding the account, contact info found on Contact in top panel.

post #2154297 was uploaded by you, which matches given furaffinity source (visuals and hash match) and was technically incorrectly deleted as that flag shouldn't have been complied with. Debating on restoring the post on basis of accidental deletion.

Because of crowdsourcing nature of the site, accounts cannot be deleted. Username, email and password can be randomized, comments and blips hidden and then logged out if someone wants to abandon the account.

Updated by anonymous

Thanks for the swift response.
What you said made total sense.

The email isn't a throw-away, he just misspelled it, as was the username - in the exact same way, actually.

In regards to the reupload, tell me when/if I can post it anew.

This isn't a huge calamity, anyway. I'll try not to make the same mistakes next time.

PS: Can we make j_(shmallow) an official character tag? We've since posted around 5-6 images with him, and all of them were untagged at some point - just noticed.

Updated by anonymous

Shmallow said:
PS: Can we make j_(shmallow) an official character tag? We've since posted around 5-6 images with him, and all of them were untagged at some point - just noticed.

.. It already is , AFAICS.

Updated by anonymous

Shmallow said:
Thanks for the swift response.
What you said made total sense.

The email isn't a throw-away, he just misspelled it, as was the username - in the exact same way, actually.

In regards to the reupload, tell me when/if I can post it anew.

This isn't a huge calamity, anyway. I'll try not to make the same mistakes next time.

PS: Can we make j_(shmallow) an official character tag? We've since posted around 5-6 images with him, and all of them were untagged at some point - just noticed.

Just happened to notice the message before sleeping is all.

Yeah, so with anything related to accounts, be in contact into email linked in Contact page, that's all I can say. Should be possible to restore the access with this amount of information. Best way would be to message from email which the account was made with. I am not an admin to begin with and as this is account recovery that's being talked about, forum is not the best place to even talk about this as there can be bad actors taking advantage of the situation and information.

As for the image in furaffinity link, it cannot be posted, as it is already posted in post #2154297, so site will prevent the upload if it is tried. This is so that if post is deleted with takedown for example, that nobody can even accidentally post it again as we would be required to manually delete it othervice.

What I can do is to restore the post #2154297, which I have now done. Because the reason for 48 hour deletion was Just used the wrong file. Have an updated version., but considering that the file matches source and no updated version was uploaded, this reason has been false. Also this post was flagged, not deleted with takedown unlike the title of this forum thread. Flags staff can handle and reverse if they so please and I do reverse them daily. Takedowns meanwhile are no questions asked and the deletion is enforced.

If artist, character owner, commissioner, etc. other first party wants this post down, they will have to use the takedown or if there actually is updated version of the post, upload the updated version first, take the ID of the upload (/post/show/<ID> in URL or left side panel under Statistics) and provide the ID when flagging the post to be inferior of another post.

Every single user on this site can create whatever tags they want, just type it into the post and save. Just that with generic tags it's preferred to use already in use tags and if the created tags are of subjective nature, colliding with other tags, etc. they can be subject to cleanup.
However as we are talking of character tags, those are even preferred to be created and sadly really underused. See forum #283267 for more written detail.

Updated by anonymous

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