Topic: Adding to pools/tagging

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I just uploaded 13 pages of a comic I found from. "Thecuriousfool"

It's an mlp comic, and I made sure to put in all the mlp tags, character tags, action tags. (Smiling, kissing, flying, ect)

But I don't know if I'm missing tags. (Probably am) And I don't know how to add all of these images into a pool. Can someone help me with adding all these into one big comic pool? I don't have a name for the comic, but I'm trying to find it. So I'm not sure what you would name the pool.

So can someone who's a lot better at this then me come help out?

To find all of the pages simply search. "Thecuriousfool" he has no other posts on this website, so his artist name only links to those 13 images.

Updated by furrypickle

Go to pools, click "New" at the top band, fill in the name of the pool and description and click create. Don't worry if you don't have a name yet, you can edit it!

Once you've created it, go on the posts (in order), click "Add to pool" (a dropdown will appear with the newly created pool) and, if it's the right one (sometimes it derps but it's rare), click on Add.

Simple as that! :)

If you got the order wrong, don't worry either! You can reorder the posts by clicking "Order", which is located on the same place as "New", and changing the numbers on the boxes next to the posts.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said: Stuff

Ah there we go!

One thing: Why does an entire menu of every freaking pool ever pop up when I click it? That is incredibly annoying.

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
Ah there we go!

One thing: Why does an entire menu of every freaking pool ever pop up when I click it? That is incredibly annoying.

Beats me... If it's too much, you can also tag the pool they're in. For example, the pool you've created has the id 4631, so the tag in those posts is pool:4631. Adding that tag to a post will effectively add it to that pool, making uploading and adding easier.

That said, you can first create the pool they should be in, get its id number (visible in your browser's addressbar), tag with "pool:<pool id>" and upload!

Updated by anonymous

Another trick to get the pool you want from that mammoth drop-down list is: instead of scrolling through the list (after you click it open), you can just start typing the first few letters of whatever-the-name-of-the-pool-is and it will automatically jump down the list and save you some time trying to find it. You do have to make sure the list is open first, so make sure you can see the first few pools on the list before you start typing. But it's a handy time-saver for going straight to the one you want (because otherwise that list is huge).

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Another trick to get the pool you want from that mammoth drop-down list is: instead of scrolling through the list (after you click it open), you can just start typing the first few letters of whatever-the-name-of-the-pool-is and it will automatically jump down the list and save you some time trying to find it. You do have to make sure the list is open first, so make sure you can see the first few pools on the list before you start typing. But it's a handy time-saver for going straight to the one you want (because otherwise that list is huge).

What I tried to do was CTRL+F and type in the words used in the pool name. But well, flash type additions don't work well with that command.

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
What I tried to do was CTRL+F and type in the words used in the pool name. But well, flash type additions don't work well with that command.

Yeah, it won't work with CTRL+F.
But what I was talking about is built-in, so it still works on its own (CTRL+F isn't actually needed for this).

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:(CTRL+F isn't actually needed for this).

I know what you mean, I was just complaining about not being able to use CTRL+F

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
I know what you mean, I was just complaining about not being able to use CTRL+F

Oh ok. I was just checking.

I know the frustration though. I use CTRL+F all the time. Truth to be told, I actually get frustrated when I'm looking for something in a RL printed book and can't use CTRL+F to find it. Especially when I know exactly the right phrase to use in order to locate the section I'm looking for in mere seconds. Scanning through it page by page just isn't nearly as quick. lol But that could be just me...

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Another trick to get the pool you want from that mammoth drop-down list is: instead of scrolling through the list (after you click it open), you can just start typing the first few letters of whatever-the-name-of-the-pool-is and it will automatically jump down the list and save you some time trying to find it. You do have to make sure the list is open first, so make sure you can see the first few pools on the list before you start typing. But it's a handy time-saver for going straight to the one you want (because otherwise that list is huge).

Actually, at the moment this doesn't work that well because the list has two alphabets, one for pools starting with capital letters and one for a much smaller list of lowercase letters.

The problems is that the 'first letter search' function prioritizes downscrolling over up. So if for example you're looking for "Assclowns In Hell" and the currently highlighted pool (which is usually the last one you added a post to) starts with any letter beyond an A, pressing A on your keyboard will not take you to the A, but to the lowercase A where the pool you're looking for probably doesn't reside.

I guess the only way to change that behavior (without actually going coding) is making sure all our pool names start with capital letters. I think I just found myself something to do...

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Don't worry if you don't have a name yet, you can edit it!

Cutedementia said:
One thing: Why does an entire menu of every freaking pool ever pop up when I click it? That is incredibly annoying.

If you are planning to do it all at once, add a double quote(") at the beginning of your pool name. It will appear almost at the very beginning of the list.

Add two double quotes ("") if you want it in the very beginning.

Just remember to erase the quotes when you are over.

Updated by anonymous

Quick poll: I can very easily change how non-alphanumeric characters affect pool name sorting. Do you guys want the sorting in that list purely based on the first alpha-numeric character? So that "Pool name", [P] Pool name, and (Pool) name show up in the P's instead of at the top?

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Quick poll: I can very easily change how non-alphanumeric characters affect pool name sorting. Do you guys want the sorting in that list purely based on the first alpha-numeric character? So that "Pool name", [P] Pool name, and (Pool) name show up in the P's instead of at the top?

+1 from me! That'd be nice! Even though typing the pool name will be the same as mentioned but it'll be leagues easier! :)

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Quick poll: I can very easily change how non-alphanumeric characters affect pool name sorting. Do you guys want the sorting in that list purely based on the first alpha-numeric character? So that "Pool name", [P] Pool name, and (Pool) name show up in the P's instead of at the top?

Sounds like a more straightforward way to do it. So it sounds good to me.

Hey, also could you make it display lowercase and uppercase in one integrated list? Because right now it actually does it in two separate lists stacked on top of each other (you can see it in the drop-down list when you're selecting which pool to add an image into). And it's just a little confusing that if you have a pool starting with a lowercase p you have to go all the way past the uppercase Z then onward past lowercase a b c etc to find the lowercase p section. It'd be easier if all the p's were listed together without the case-sensitivity. If that's possible.

Updated by anonymous

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