I just uploaded 13 pages of a comic I found from. "Thecuriousfool"
It's an mlp comic, and I made sure to put in all the mlp tags, character tags, action tags. (Smiling, kissing, flying, ect)
But I don't know if I'm missing tags. (Probably am) And I don't know how to add all of these images into a pool. Can someone help me with adding all these into one big comic pool? I don't have a name for the comic, but I'm trying to find it. So I'm not sure what you would name the pool.
So can someone who's a lot better at this then me come help out?
To find all of the pages simply search. "Thecuriousfool" he has no other posts on this website, so his artist name only links to those 13 images.
Updated by furrypickle