Topic: Mega Man tagging

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I thought I'd stop myself before I go any further. Anyway, it seems like the tagging related to Mega Man is somewhat messy. Both the X and original series are lumped together for instance, and I noticed that the tag mega_man_(character) is present on a ton of images that don't actually have said character in them, for example:

post #90305
post #114821

I was thinking of removing the unnecessary mega_man_(character) tags and using tags such as mega_man_x_(series) and mega_man_x_(character) where necessary. I'm also considering adding the capcom tag to all of the posts.

Keep on going? Or am I going too far?


Well mega_man should be aliased to mega_man_(series) and we really only need one _(character) tag.

Updated by anonymous

I know they're different. I just don't think there's enough of a distinction to warrant separate tags. People searching one will likely want to see content from the other.

Updated by anonymous

Someone decided that megaman should be aliased to mega_man_(character) :C

which does't seem like the best of ideas, and probably explains those 'stray' pictues.

That said, if your'e FAMILIAR with megaman, then I encourage you to clean the tags up! :)

let's see... From my unknowledgeable perspective, I don't see a point in mega_man_x_(series) and mega_man_x_(character)... since to me, it's all megaman.

BUT.. maybe you know better? are the characters different enough from series to series to make different series tags desirable? (as an example, my little pony has a friendship is magic tag because it is very different from prior generations -- but teenage mutant ninja turtles is all one tag because generally speaking, leonardo is leonardo :) ) is Megaman X the character different enough from... other megamans to make it worth having a unique tag?

If we DO have these unique tags, then how should they imply things?

All the mega_man_*_(character)s should obviously imply mega_man_(character)
all the mega_man_*_(series) should probably imply mega_man_(series) or mega_man_(franchise) or something...

but how? and the question remains: is there gain in separating all the different series and character variations apart? can it still be accessable to 'regular users' who don't understand the intracasies of megaman? :) (also how many different series are there? do characters repeat between the series? etc. talk to us :D

Also, as far as capcom goes, don't. We can do all those with one or two implications if we decide we should.

In the mean time.. THANK YOU for asking and THANK YOU for offering to fix this mess :) let's talk about how best to do it for now :D

(edit, yay, I"m late AND slow :D I'll leave you with franchise knowledge to figure this out... :D )

Updated by anonymous

Ok, so

Mass edit mega_man_(character) to character:mega_man, remove the maverick tag from mega man posts (or change them to maverick_(mega_man) if you must), tag robot_master on applicable posts, merge X into regular mega_man due to indistinction and imply capcom to mega_man and its related tags. Sound good?

Updated by anonymous

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