Topic: Getting Reblogs From Deleted Tumblr Posts

Posted under General

I've been using the Wayback Machine to get reblogs from deleted tumblr posts and it has been going well for the MOST part.

However, there are two (or three) issues that keep popping up and I'm wondering if anyone has a solution.

1. The tumblr post is archived but because of the blog's theme, a reblog button isn't available. This is probably the biggest issue. I know that reblog urls include an 8 character reblog key but I don't think anyone knows how to generate them.

2. The tumblr post is archived and the reblog button is there but when I try to reblog the post, it redirects to my tumblr dashboard. This problem is less common but is very annoying. If anyone knows why this happens let me know.

3. The tumblr post isn't archived at all. Not much I can do here. Just gotta take the L


1. I have had the same issue and sadly wayback machine seems to strip the top panel of tumblr which would have the native reblog button. Tried to search from source code of the page, but haven't been able to see it.

If there's access to what was written on the tumblr post, searching for reblogs with google can possibly find blogs which have the reblog button. Reblogging a reblog does also work.

2. My assumption has simply been that with those posts their automated detection system has flagged the post to be definitely pornographic and thus full on deleted rather than just hidden. Additionally sometimes couple refreshes makes the reblog to work.

3. If the artist haven't deleted their blog, it can still be browsed trough dashboard and dashboard does always have dedicated reblog button as well as URL for the submission (right click top right corner of the post and copy link address). However you are limited to viewing the blog on right side of the browser from newest to oldest, no archive page, no searching, no tags, etc.

So tidious as fuck, but going by single artist from start to finish should make things much consistant.

Updated by anonymous

Sometimes if i'm feeling desperate, i'll pick the latest blog that reblogged the post and search through there. Sometimes it pays off.

Updated by anonymous

I think I can help with the first issue. I'll use a flagged post from Da Goddamn Batguy's tumblr as an example. Reblog links are not available on, but I got the post and image URL from there, which is all that is needed.

Use the tumblr photoset iframe URL to get the reblog key. Copy the blog name (dagoddamnbatguy), the post ID (177698031086), and part of the image file name (tumblr_pehntealIb1r94dpu). Don't include "o1" or any other part of the image file name.

The URL should look like this:

Visit the URL and right-click on the page and select View Page Source. Search for reblog_key. The key (KSbzKi6e) should be at the bottom of the page.

Reblog link:

This won't work with tumblr inline images, or images that don't have "o1" near the end of the image file name (or "o2" "o3" etc. if there is more than one image in a post). Fortunately the latter isn't common.

Updated by anonymous

ScaryLizard said:
I think I can help with the first issue. I'll use a flagged post from Da Goddamn Batguy's tumblr as an example. Reblog links are not available on, but I got the post and image URL from there, which is all that is needed.

Use the tumblr photoset iframe URL to get the reblog key. Copy the blog name (dagoddamnbatguy), the post ID (177698031086), and part of the image file name (tumblr_pehntealIb1r94dpu). Don't include "o1" or any other part of the image file name.

The URL should look like this:

Visit the URL and right-click on the page and select View Page Source. Search for reblog_key. The key (KSbzKi6e) should be at the bottom of the page.

Reblog link:

This won't work with tumblr inline images, or images that don't have "o1" near the end of the image file name (or "o2" "o3" etc. if there is more than one image in a post). Fortunately the latter isn't common.

This actually works! It actually solves my first and third problems, now I just gotta hope that the reblog links won't redirect. Thanks so much!

Updated by anonymous