About 4-5 days ago I posted this picture:
It's just a random pony from the show "My Little Pony F.I.M"
Flying in front of the sun.
It's the silhouette of a Pegasus in front of the sun essentially. Not even a specific pony.
Upon posting the image, I came back about a day later to find that the image had been deleted under the reason. "Does not belong here"
I attempted to message the admin about it, asking what exactly in it caused it to be denied as it's a pony image. And I've seen stuff like this posted before. But the admin after 5 days has offered no reply.
What in the image makes it. "Not belong here"
I assumed at first it was the sun in the background, as it looks realistic and most of the time RL pictures get denied here. But it's a computer generated model so I don't think that's it.
Anyone care to fill me in as to why it was denied?
Updated by NoctemWerewolf