Topic: What was the worst furry comic/doujinshi you ever read?

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Im kinda bored so i decided it would be a nice topic to talk about terrible comics and their likes people have read.

Was it the art what put you off or the story made no sense? Was the artists attitude what made it unacceptable or the happenings got to a point where you just could bear it anymore?

My current worst comic is Borba's Bort to be alive, its not that the art is bad or the story is terrible but the fact that this is a continuation of his previous work and all characthers seemed to be inverted inside out to fit in a new narrative breaking everything the previous story had as a logical continuation, it got to a point where everybody playing the monkey pawn game could guess whats coming next.

What about you, guys? Share your tales of terrible stories.


This sounds like it's just meant to provoke another anti-Borba, kink-shaming complaint festival.

Updated by anonymous

Tried to peek at that twokinds thing a few years back, out of curiousity. Was "middle-schooler's journal" levels of absolute garbage. Don't really remember anything of it to this date

Updated by anonymous

I still don't get the Borba hate. The comics were a bit out of character, but other than that it was a little interesting.

Updated by anonymous

I sorta feel like a thread which is, intentionally or not, encouraging badmouthing and insulting artists, probably is not the best idea.

If you really want to know some of the comics that people have a strong distaste for, you can search:

comic inpool:true order:scoreasc status:any

This seems like the sort of thing that would be better as a conversation between friends rather than a public forum topic.

Updated by anonymous

HavelTheRockHard said:
Tried to peek at that twokinds thing a few years back, out of curiousity. Was "middle-schooler's journal" levels of absolute garbage. Don't really remember anything of it to this date

Gotta be honest, i did the same back when i first seen it. The art is just horrible but somehow last year i decided to give it another chance and damm it improved by a lot especially the art syle.

Clawdragons said:
I sorta feel like a thread which is, intentionally or not, encouraging badmouthing and insulting artists, probably is not the best idea.

If you really want to know some of the comics that people have a strong distaste for, you can search:

comic inpool:true order:scoreasc status:any

This seems like the sort of thing that would be better as a conversation between friends rather than a public forum topic.

It was not my goal but its rare to find a place where i can discuss in a civil manner why something is bad or not. I dont even have friend who read comics online at all so my chances of a discussion is limited to public forums and even with those its hard to find a place where you can have a discussion without someone memeing in or just spewing out hatred like no tomorrow.

Updated by anonymous

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