Topic: site improvement idea - scrolling marquee

Posted under Off Topic

Think that's how you spell it.
Anyway instead of the single newest news message displayed set up a box that rotates between the newest message and several primary ones.
such as:

  • rule reminder with links
    • tagging guidelines with links for twys, gender identification, and the name rule.

FFD reminders such as "Remember, things such as not furry, pedo, ect are not valid flag reasons!"

  • ect, ect

Make sure it is a bright color, and disable the ability to close the box.

A lot of people don't even know e621 is in the state of arazona and that arazona has no drawn pedophila laws, thus its legal, so they join just to flag, others flag even after being on the site for years using not furry, or nazism, or peri...all because the rules arnt staring them in the face.
Not saying you must do it, but look at it as an experimient? Put it up for awhile if it doesn't work remove it, marquee shouldn't be that hard yo add, made one myself 7 years ago as a highschool comp course on web design.
As they say ignorance of the rules is no excuse, but some people wound heed them unless their staring them in the face or have been slapped on the hands. Might just save the mods some work later if it discourages them from making a mess in their ignorance.

Updated by corgi bread

Have to double post, kindles very unforgiving when trying to add stuff off the box boundary.
What does every one think on this. And yes., iwould appreciate aurials input on it too since she does the coding.

Updated by anonymous

Make it so that you can turn it off somehow, that would get annoying really quick. I don't disagree that some people don't pay attention to things unless you grind their face into it like a bad dog in its own shit, but not everyone is a drooling idiot and has to have it in their face that much.

Updated by anonymous

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