Topic: Upload Better Version 1.0.4 (Firefox add-on)

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

This Firefox add-on helps you upload better versions of existing posts to e621.


1) You need Firefox 42.0 or newer

2) Download the add-on:

3) Open the .xpi file in Firefox and click "Install Now"
=> Firefox icon with the text "ubv" appears in the Firefox toolbar (upper right corner)


1) Open three tabs:
- inferior e621 post, like
- gallery page with better version, like
- direct image link, like

2) Left-click on the UBV icon
=> pop-up opens

3) Select the tabs:
- Ctrl-Tab to the inferior e621 post, and click "(De)Select e621 tab"
- Ctrl-Tab to the gallery page with better version, and click "(De)Select artsite tab"
- Ctrl-Tab to the direct image link, and click "(De)Select direct image link"

4) Click the "Upload" button

If there's an error, the add-on displays it in the white text box at the bottom of the pop-up window.
- temporary error (too many people using e621 at the moment) => click the "Resume" button to try again
- permanent error (the version you're trying to upload is already on e621) => click the "Clear" button to empty all fields


When the add-on has uploaded the better version, it flags the inferior one for deletion.
If you're a Janitor or above, you can configure the add-on to delete the inferior version immediately:
1) Open the Add-ons Manager
2) Click the button "Options" next to "Upload Better Version"
3) Select the radio button "Delete the inferior version (Janitor+ only)

The add-on posts the message "Better version of post #xyz" on the superior version.
You can turn it off in the configuration.

Updated by Alien Fluff

I might understand this eventually, hopefully....probably not but I'll try.

Updated by anonymous

I've released a new version.
The first post has the download link and all other information.

Updated by anonymous

With the newest version of Firefox, it fails due to Mozilla's stupid addon signing check... :/

Updated by anonymous

Valmar said:
With the newest version of Firefox, it fails due to Mozilla's stupid addon signing check... :/

You can disable app signing checks by going to about:config and setting xpinstall.signatures.required to false. Just keep in mind that:

  • App signing is a security feature, so it isn't without risks.
  • The setting will be disabled in Firefox 44 (except dev/nightly FF), so this is at best a temporary solution.

Updated by anonymous

There's a new version of UBV.
It works with the current version of Firefox.

Download link and installation/usage instructions are in the first post of this thread.

Updated by anonymous

Alternate instructions for step 3:

1. Open the Add-ons Manager.
2. Click Extensions.
3. Click the "Tools for all add-ons" gear.
4. Install Add-on From File...
5. Find it.
6. Click Add whenever a warning pops up.

Updated by anonymous

Here is some additional Greasemonkey code:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        RawFinder
// @namespace   Lance_Armstrong
// @include     /https?://(e621|e926)\\.net/post/show/.*/
// @include*
// @version     1.00
// ==/UserScript==

// Tumblr RAW link finder

var t = document.getElementsByClassName("sourcelink-url")[0].getElementsByTagName("a");
if (t.length > 0)
    for (var x=0; x<t.length; x++)
        t2 = new RegExp('(https?://)?([0-9]{1,2}\.)?(media\.tumblr\.com/.*)1280\.(jpg|png)').exec(t[x].href);
        if (t2 != null)
          var item = document.createElement("li");
          var button = document.createElement("input");
          button.setAttribute("value","Raw Version");
          document.getElementsByClassName("sourcelink")[0].parentNode.insertBefore(item, document.getElementsByClassName("sourcelink")[0].nextSibling);

All this code does is take posts that have a "" and add a button that opens the "" link. This could speed up the work even more.

*Just because there is a raw version does not mean it is better than the 1280 version.

Updated by anonymous

I just smoked 11 posts using this. The above code helps me to quickly locate the Tumblr raws even when I am not looking for them.

The biggest time waster? Finding the proper Tumblr post page to select as the "artsite tab". Many uploaders link to the artist's Tumblr homepage, the Nth page of the artist's posts, or nothing at all aside from the direct image link.

The other annoyance is fucking around with pools and parent/child relationships. In fact, I might just skip those images for now.

Updated by anonymous

I managed to get the indicator stuck at 6/9 when replacing post #1223012 with post #1334470. The post was successfully uploaded but the extension stuck there at 6/9 and didn't display a success message. The inferior post was not deleted. I had to go to the Add-ons Manager to disable and enable the extension. The inferior post had a clothed child post, which could be the source of the problem. Or it could have been an e621 server issue. Yes, I am running in Janitor mode. Fear me.

Ran into the same issue with post #1223010 but not post #1223011. Now I'm wondering if it was an issue with my browser not caching the large-as-fuck image properly. On the second one, I stayed on the direct image tab from the time I loaded it to when I hit upload.

Ran into the 6/9 issue again with post #1334477, but not with post #1334479.

The textarea at the bottom of the extension's panel could be labeled "Error", "Messages", "Results" or something. The height of the textarea could be reduced since I don't think many error messages will take up more than 2-3 lines. This could get rid of the panel's scrollbar on 1366x768 resolution.

Updated by anonymous

This addon works great, but I did not like how it automatically added a "Better version of post #xxxxxxx" comment on the new post. Could you add a means to disable it?

Updated by anonymous

After running into the 6/9 stalling problem with post #1334594, I am fairly confident that the issue has to do with parent/child posts. Specifically, inferior versions that have a child post will cause it to stall at 6/9.

1. post #1334515 was the parent of post #1334512
2. I use the extension to replace post #1334515 with post #1334594
3. Upload is successful.
4. Stalls at 6/9 and I have to do the deletion manually.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
After running into the 6/9 stalling problem with post #1334594, I am fairly confident that the issue has to do with parent/child posts. Specifically, inferior versions that have a child post will cause it to stall at 6/9.

1. post #1334515 was the parent of post #1334512
2. I use the extension to replace post #1334515 with post #1334594
3. Upload is successful.
4. Stalls at 6/9 and I have to do the deletion manually.

I forgot to initialize the variable current_child to 0.
Will fix this in a few hours when I get back home.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
After running into the 6/9 stalling problem with post #1334594, I am fairly confident that the issue has to do with parent/child posts. Specifically, inferior versions that have a child post will cause it to stall at 6/9.

1. post #1334515 was the parent of post #1334512
2. I use the extension to replace post #1334515 with post #1334594
3. Upload is successful.
4. Stalls at 6/9 and I have to do the deletion manually.

Bug has been fixed, new version is 1.0.3

Updated by anonymous

BooruHitomi said:
This addon works great, but I did not like how it automatically added a "Better version of post #xxxxxxx" comment on the new post. Could you add a means to disable it?

You can now turn off this comment, new version is 1.0.4

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
You can now turn off this comment, new version is 1.0.4

Updated and confirmed to not post comment. Any comment on the following?

The textarea at the bottom of the extension's panel could be labeled "Error", "Messages", "Results" or something. The height of the textarea could be reduced since I don't think many error messages will take up more than 2-3 lines. This could get rid of the panel's scrollbar on 1366x768 resolution.

Updated by anonymous

Any plans on making this available for Chrome, or would that be too difficult/impossible to do?

Updated by anonymous

Too bad it can't automatically move the old comments to the new post ID. Maybe they'll make that automatic on replaced posts, eventually... Not sure how their database is setup, but it seems feasible to clone the old post but with the new image hash, or to just overwrite the old post's hash, and keep a log of the replaced ones if it needs to be undone. I didn't write DanBooru or the patches, so no idea how to actually do it. XD