Heads up the subject matter that lead me to this guy aren't for the faint of heart. It's some pretty out there stuff!
Alright so while I was browsing e621 doing what most peeps do here
I came across this pic
First thought was that I didn't know Captin Nikko had a thing for this
since I could see he had his signature at the bottom. Though once I
looked through the tags to find a link to more of Captin Nikko stuff it
said "mufasasnake12" was the artist
Now, again at first I thought this might of been a typo when the guy
posting this since "mufasasnake12" only had this one post to their name
and this was clearly Captin Nikko work, hell it even had his name on it but
I decided to go deeper down this rabbit hole; The post put links and I'll be damned!
The same "mufasasnake12" was linked to the artist
And not just that, After clinking the second link I found out the guys
been posting every single one of Captain Nikko works straight from
their page, Sinigiture intact and everything.
Giving absolutely no credit to the guy and assumedly taking it all for himself.
The Final nail in the coffin imo was This
which just seems like a really scratchy move imo
Feel free to call me whatever but blocking access from your
page after posting stuff that clearly isn't yours without
giving credit seems like an attempt to prevent people from
reporting you. =T
Heads up. I Might be a bit offtrack on this one.
Looking through more of the things the guy had posted this could
be an alt account made by captain Niko to post more of his extream
pieces. Not a 100% on that but if it turns out to be the case sorry
for this ◠‿◠)
Given all the pieces it could look like one thing while being another
Updated by Mairo