Topic: Anti-Cloudflare Request Control rules for e621

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

I only just found out about this and was pretty shocked so...

I made these rules for the Request Control extension for Firefox. It adjusts some post search URLs using roughly the following rules to side-step censorship issues with Cloudflare:

  • /post/index/([0-9]+)/(loli|shota|child)... -> /post/index/?tags=...&page=...
  • /post(/index|/search/?)?\\?tags=(loli|shota|child)... -> /post/index/?tags=...

Rules file:
( Save to a local file, then go to Settings -> Import Rules in the Request Control extension )

It's had moderately thorough testing but let me know if there's any issues. Hopefully some other people enjoy protest through disobedience as well.

Updated by Drkfce0

You're a saint. The fight against censorship continues, and you're the hero we all needed.
I still want cloudflare's censorship gone for good, though.

Updated by anonymous

Karimi said:
You're a saint. The fight against censorship continues, and you're the hero we all needed.
I still want cloudflare's censorship gone for good, though.

Updated by anonymous

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