Topic: Advanced tag/wiki discussion: Sex Positions

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

aka 'Why are there so many sex position tags?' and 'Where can I learn more about e621 sex position tags?'


Updated: Nov. 2016

No organized, dedicated topic for these (TMK), so here we are

  • I'll gradually look through the forums and add the rest
  • As usual, please point out any errors or new info to be added, thanks


All the various, miscellaneous sex position tag discussions in one place for your discussion convenience!

If you have a (constructive) opinion about the various sex position tags, feel free to pick a topic below and jump in, or add something new

  • Applies to both tag and wiki article discussions

Updated by Volteer133

Notes (read this first!!)

  • ALWAYS verify the content in the forum links before doing something based on that info
  • Checking for updated replies to a mentioned forum can save a lot of wasted time
  • If quoting/mentioning a topic by number, be sure to mention at least part of the title or tag(s) involved
    • if the numbers change, the topic will still be understood


Numbering key

0 - High priority topics

Tagging Projects

1 - Open tasks/tagging projects
2 - Resolved/completed tasks/tag projects


3 - Unaddressed General discussion/questions
4 - Addressed General discussion/questions (tent.)

Specific tags

5 - Open Specific tag discussion/questions
6 - Resolved Specific tag discussion/questions


7 - Open Wiki discussion/questions
8 - Resolved Wiki discussion/questions


9 - Reopened topics (all)

Status key

c = Closed
0 = Open
p = partially addressed
r0 = Re-Opened


- = Unknown / not applicable
V = various (tags)

Forum Summary (Nov. 2016)

# Tag(s) Topic Forum Status
1a; 7 daisy chain 'clean out daisy chain to daisy_chain_position.' forum #202660 -
1b; 7 eiffel_tower 'Used for both the actual tower, and a spitroast-type position.' forum #200391 -
3a V Should there be a standard format for sex position tags? forum #197965 p
3b V How specific should sex position tags be? forum #189967, forum #189971 -
4a V tags with no appended *_position suffix Should *_position be added to the end of them? forum #197965 p
5a 69_position, mutual_oral Should a distinction be made between mutual_oral and 69_position? forum #189969, forum #200388 p
5b spitroast forum #200388, forum #200391, forum #211136 p
7 tag group:sex positions Separated recognized sex positions forum #202613 -

Updated by anonymous

Links to other discussions [WIP]'

forum #216765 - Name for this position? (dec. 2016)
forum #193855 - Tag Alias: spitroast_position -> spitroast (may 2016)

forum #165755 - Tag Alias: pussy_sandwich → tribadism_on_penis (Jul. 2015)
forum #156628 - Tribadism, Frottage, Tail_Sex and Penetration tag issues (Apr. 2015)


Other Useful links

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I say no, there should be a sex position type tag instead. (Along with a year type and a gender type etc.)

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
I say no, there should be a sex position type tag instead. (Along with a year type and a gender type etc.)

Year type would be useless.

Updated by anonymous

It would be nice to have year distinct and in a relatively reliable location though. But I think that could be done by some Javascript that reorders the tag list.

Client-side Javascript could also emulate additional tag types for trialling purposes (hardcode arrays of 'these tags should be considered Y type, which is X color'. Reorder + recolor any 'general' type tags matching them). Makes me wonder if any of the devs have something like that.

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
I say no, there should be a sex position type tag instead. (Along with a year type and a gender type etc.)

Ooh that would be neat

Especially if nested tag type grouping ever becomes a thing

(Separate year type as well; pretty much all basic exif data fields should theoretically have a separate type,
but i'm not sure how many web-safe colors we have reserved for that PLUS e6-specific types)


Updated by anonymous

If anyone knows about other sex position forum discussions, feel free to mention them in here and i'll add the links to the OP

(just a url is fine)

Updated by anonymous

titanmelon said:

1. Should most/all sex positions have a standardized format, with *_position appended?

I'm unsure about daisy_chain it feels more like an action requiring more than one character than a position. But I'm being pedantic so just ignore me on this.

However what I wanted to talk about was spitroast, same thing here though, for me this is an action more than a position, i.e. you need oral_penetration + anal_penetration/vaginal_penetration. I wouldn't be against another term for a more general position tag which e.g. could depict f/m/f with cunnilingus + penis_backwards and penetration. But I'd rather not have spitroast diluted into a position (I get the feeling I've discussed this before...).

Regarding topic 3: I could see how mutual_oral could be a separate thing from 69/69_position, e.g. sitting with big_penis and a bit hunched over each other, or long_penis, or something with tail_penis, tail_pussy and whatnot.

titanmelon said:
(Separate year type as well; pretty much all basic exif data fields should theoretically have a separate type,
but i'm not sure how many web-safe colors we have reserved for that PLUS e6-specific types)

Intrinsic metadata sucks, a file can say it is a picture of a tulip created 423 years from now with an exposure of 232 seconds and using JPEG compression. Yet the image is a WebP with one pixel of black and has never been near anything that uses exposure. (if you can't tell I'm biased against intrinsic metadata).

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Chessax said:
However what I wanted to talk about was spitroast, same thing here though, for me this is an action more than a position, i.e. you need oral_penetration + anal_penetration/vaginal_penetration. I wouldn't be against another term for a more general position tag which e.g. could depict f/m/f with cunnilingus + penis_backwards and penetration. But I'd rather not have spitroast diluted into a position (I get the feeling I've discussed this before...).

I concur.
Spitroast can be performed from multiple positions, therefore it doesn't quite fit under the sex positions group.

I just noticed the eiffel_tower tag. Used for both the actual tower, and a spitroast-type position. That's going to need clean up and/or disambiguation.

Updated by anonymous

Ok this is possibly a temporary change based on the above discussion regarding sex position tag-naming format :

I modified the tag group:sex positions article in the following ways:

  • Separated 'official' sex positions from related concepts
    • basically everything with the *_position suffix gets their own section
    • List of moved tags:


  • added sections


Updated by anonymous

tl;dr - the spitroast tag could possibly be forked to include non-penetrative cases while still staying within range of 'oral + anal/vaginal' conditions

Chessax said:
However what I wanted to talk about was spitroast, same thing here though, for me this is an action more than a position, i.e. you need oral_penetration + anal_penetration/vaginal_penetration. I wouldn't be against another term for a more general position tag which e.g. could depict f/m/f with cunnilingus + penis_backwards and penetration. But I'd rather not have spitroast diluted into a position

Definitely agreed about the spitroast tag,

I usually end up tagging it in on posts that don't explicitly show oral + anal/vaginal penetration, but the positions of the genitals(usually penis) / body (usually face) are within reasonable range

eg post #252097, post #1048046

since tmk, there's no 'genitals near face' or similar tags, there's no consistent way to find such posts

additionally, I think it's reasonable to assume people who search for the spitroast tag won't complain too much if examples of the 'position' is still recognizable.
spitroast -penetration would be an option as well, if we don't want to fork the tag

Updated by anonymous


Pretty big update, I'm trying out a standardized forum listing system thing (see Key and Notes for more info)

table changelog

Old listing
New listing

# Tag(s) Topic Forum Status
Old listing
New listing
0 V. Should there be a standard format for sex position tags? - -
3a V Should there be a standard format for sex position tags? - p
1 V. tags with no appended *_position suffix Should *_position be added to the end of them? forum #197965 -
4a V tags with no appended *_position suffix Should *_position be added to the end of them? forum #197965 p
2 V. How specific should sex position tags be? forum #189967, forum #189971 -
3b V How specific should sex position tags be? forum #189967, forum #189971 -
3 69_position, mutual_oral Should a distinction be made between mutual_oral and 69_position? forum #189969 -
5a 69_position, mutual_oral Should a distinction be made between mutual_oral and 69_position? forum #189969, forum #200388 p
  • Updated topic summary table
    • everything up to this post should be accounted for
  • split OP into various posts
    • forum summary
    • forum links
  • Added 'List of Specific tags mentioned so far' section

Updated by anonymous

Does this count as spitroast (position)?
post #1057294

if not, should there be a specific tag for it?

personally, I'd put all the applicable cases in one umbrella tag (spitroast_position),
then people can either remove/blacklist cases they don't want to see, or specify additional criteria.
eg spitroast -self_fuck...

Rather than the opposite: Have only specific/arbitrarily-defined cases be put into the umbrella tag, and people doing a basic search (spitroast_position) have to add a bunch of additional tags to get all cases
ie spitroast self_fuck ~oral_penetration ~anal_penetration ~vaginal_penetration...

Updated by anonymous

  • added forum #193855 - Tag Alias: spitroast_position → spitroast (may 2016) to Links


Update Dec. 2016
  • added forum #156628 - Tribadism, Frottage, Tail_Sex and Penetration tag issues (Apr. 2015)
  • forum #165755 - Tag Alias: pussy_sandwich → tribadism_on_penis (Jul. 2015)
  • forum #216765 - Name for this position? (dec. 2016)

Updated by anonymous

  • 1