Topic: Sorry

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Ok. So I was running across just a few pics with missing tags for this one character. So I decide oh, I'll just help everyone out here. Go to add the tag for the female just like it's done here : to the first image I sww incorrectly tagged; but lo and behold, that doesn't work. And you can see for yourself how it turned out. Would love an option to remove character tags after adding them so as not to make the tags a complete mess in case I have another slip up, I just can't be the only one with this problem lol


GruesomeToast said:
Ok. So I was running across just a few pics with missing tags for this one character. So I decide oh, I'll just help everyone out here. Go to add the tag for the female just like it's done here : to the first image I sww incorrectly tagged; but lo and behold, that doesn't work. And you can see for yourself how it turned out. Would love an option to remove character tags after adding them so as not to make the tags a complete mess in case I have another slip up, I just can't be the only one with this problem lol


Updated by anonymous

Use an underscore. It's yuki_(mewyfox), not yuki (mewyfox). Spaces separate tags.

If a tag refuses to remove itself, try entering tag history and use the "Revert" feature. I just selected the change before yours and reverted, and it got rid of it.

Updated by anonymous

GruesomeToast said:

on the sidebar of an image is a button labeled "tags", you can use this to undo and revert to past tags. this is the best thing i use whenever I make a mistake, just a simple click and "revert/undo". i've fixed one of the images for you, I can do the second one as well. but hopefully that helps

Updated by anonymous

i couldn't help but notice OP's profile stating they occasionally do the gaming at their local library. my curiosity comes from if they also edit this website on that library's network of public computers, or if they have their own personal laptop that they just so happen to enjoy using at their local library instead of the privacy of their own personal domicile.

either way, it would be a good idea to get a private connection such as with a VPN in order to edit this furry pornography website, lest the librarians get narky and ban the lot.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
i couldn't help but notice OP's profile stating they occasionally do the gaming at their local library. my curiosity comes from if they also edit this website on that library's network of public computers, or if they have their own personal laptop that they just so happen to enjoy using at their local library instead of the privacy of their own personal domicile.

either way, it would be a good idea to get a private connection such as with a VPN in order to edit this furry pornography website, lest the librarians get narky and ban the lot.

I don’t think it matters if it’s a personal laptop or a library desktop, looking up porn in a library, or anywhere public for that matter, is a major social faux pas.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
i couldn't help but notice OP's profile stating they occasionally do the gaming at their local library. my curiosity comes from if they also edit this website on that library's network of public computers, or if they have their own personal laptop that they just so happen to enjoy using at their local library instead of the privacy of their own personal domicile.

either way, it would be a good idea to get a private connection such as with a VPN in order to edit this furry pornography website, lest the librarians get narky and ban the lot.

XD i actually only browse at home, but good shit m8

Updated by anonymous

facelessmess said:
on the sidebar of an image is a button labeled "tags", you can use this to undo and revert to past tags. this is the best thing i use whenever I make a mistake, just a simple click and "revert/undo". i've fixed one of the images for you, I can do the second one as well. but hopefully that helps

Also thanks so much. I got scared the tags would be messed up forever lol ;-; I guess I kinda panicked and didn't look for any revert options or whatever. Thanks so much again lol

Updated by anonymous

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