Topic: Tag Implication: hypnosis -> mind_control

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

ippiki_ookami said:
why do we need both

If it makes it easier for the user to find what they're looking for, why wouldn't we have both?
+1 by the way.

Updated by anonymous

I always thought hypnosis was done with natural causes and mind control was the stuff like shooting lasers at people's heads. An alias or an implication would work fine for me.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
If it makes it easier for the user to find what they're looking for, why wouldn't we have both?
+1 by the way.

I think what ippiki was driving at was: is there a notable difference between hypnosis and mind_control? And if not, should this be an alias instead of an implication? Because if there is no notable difference, then combining them will make it easier for the user to find what they're looking for better than an implication would.

Or at least that's how I read it. I've never been sure when to use one over the other, so if there is a distinction, I think the wikis should be updated to clarify when to use which one. Unless they really are interchangable and could be combined?

Bottom line: I'd be in favor of an alias unless there's some hidden nuance that's important enough to keep them seperate for.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
I think what ippiki was driving at was: is there a notable difference between hypnosis and mind_control?

My bad.

furrypickle said:
Bottom line: I'd be in favor of an alias unless there's some hidden nuance that's important enough to keep them separate for.

1+ for implication.
Hypnosis is always mind control.
Mind control is not always hypnosis.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
1+ for implication.
Hypnosis is always mind control.
Mind control is not always hypnosis.

But what is the visual way of telling them apart? That's what I'm driving at. I agree they're different in concept. I'm just less convinced it's visually apparent. And whether it makes enough of a difference that people will want to search for one over the other?

Updated by anonymous

I'd like to see some examples for why we would need to keep both of these. I don't picture a noticeable enough visual distinction to warrant an implication rather than an alias before we decide what to do with this.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I'd like to see some examples for why we would need to keep both of these. I don't picture a noticeable enough visual distinction to warrant an implication rather than an alias before we decide what to do with this.

The closest thing I could find to mind_control without hypnosis is this.

post #307414

I guess we could define mind_control as direct control of the mind by someone else, and hypnosis as someone influencing another's actions.

But that difference is often extremely subtle. I'd be in favor of aliasing hypnosis --> mind_control.

Updated by anonymous

To be accurate, hypnosis isn't actually mind control.
A hypnotist never actually gains control of anyone's mind.

Updated by anonymous

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