Topic: When is a `tagme` tag no longer required?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I noticed over 100 posts with the tag tagme some of which have about 40+ tags already! What would be the minimum amount of tags to safely remove the tagme tag? I was considering going through all (as many as I can fit in in spare time) the tagme tagged posts and adding to them as much as I can, and also removing the tagme tag from those posts which don't really need them any more.

Updated by Mairo

pokis said:
I noticed over 100 posts with the tag tagme some of which have about 40+ tags already! What would be the minimum amount of tags to safely remove the tagme tag? I was considering going through all (as many as I can fit in in spare time) the tagme tagged posts and adding to them as much as I can, and also removing the tagme tag from those posts which don't really need them any more.

While I see where you are coming from, tagme isn't necessarily an indicator of "too little tags".

People can use it as an indicator that they know something is there but they themselves cannot find what it is (unknown species, unknown character, etc) so it isn't necessarily an indicator of "this doesn't have enough tags" but rather "someone more knowledgeable fix this for me"

HOWEVER, outside of the above possible scenario seen on rare occasion, according to the wiki page under normal conditions the tagme tag should be removed after at least a dozen (12+) tags are on the post

Updated by anonymous

There's already rule in place that there should be at least four tags applied during upload. So technically, if post has over four tags, it's good on paper and on some rare cases it's almost impossible to input more than four tags.

Because of this there's not clear line when or how tagme should be used, that's why even wiki says "dozen" instead of "twelve", but like facelessmess said it's more like "I need some help with this one". If you get into tagme post, simply tag the living shit out of that post to the point where post starts moaning your name. When the post seems satisfied just remove the tagme.

Remember to look up tag history if something doesn't add up if whoever added the tagme made edit comment.

Updated by anonymous

exactly what mario said.... thank u for summarizing it better than I could

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:

its 4.... this is directly copypasted from rules :

Tagging Abuse / Tagging Vandalism
Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Failure to cite a minimum of 4 tags to an uploaded post

seriously where this 6 comes from and why so many people keep insisting that its 6 despite of the fact that its 4 and has been 4 for years??

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:

When posting, please provide a minimum of four tags.

Tagging Abuse / Tagging Vandalism
  • Failure to cite a minimum of 4 tags to an uploaded post

It's 4, but of course this is the absolute ๐Ÿป minimum there is where going below it warrants note to account. I would not personally be opposed for it to be raised up to six. Of course if you are uploading properly, it should be possible to provide more than four tags really easily even if you aren't entirely familiar with tagging system and we do have unofficial checklist which helps covering most basic forms of tags in post.


Ledian said:
seriously where this 6 comes from and why so many people keep insisting that its 6 despite of the fact that its 4 and has been 4 for years??

Could it be because of number of tags that can be used in searching was raised to six at some point?
Don't know, but if they believe it's six, that's just better :)

Updated by anonymous

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