Topic: Tag Implication: satyr -> caprine

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Ruku said:
tempted to say -1 sence equine and deer legs seem to be quite common under this tag too as well as being forms seen in the actually mythology too...

post #437968
(greek pottery of a satyr depicted with equine features)

What about an animal humanoid implication since the satyr is a half humanoid, half equine/cervine mythical creature?

Updated by anonymous

facelessmess said:
What about an animal humanoid implication since the satyr is a half humanoid, half equine/cervine mythical creature?

Not all are humanoid thru...

post #1290395 but they are rare.

And after checking it appears that tag has rather alot of mistags that should be going under demon not satyr as well as a fuw regular goat anthros...

Updated by anonymous

"Satyr" is like "Taur" but two legs. Since we've been unable to come up with a different term for it, it's all we've got.

Updated by anonymous

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