lazy because it doesn't directly download anything :p
What does this script do?
This script will generate a direct link list of all post in your current search page. You can then copy paste that list in the download manager of you choice (or with wget ๐ง). The script will exclude from the list any blacklisted elements.
How do i use this script?
Step 1: Install it
You'll need greasemonkey on firefox or tampermonkey on chrome. Create a new script and copy paste the source code.
Step 2: Do a search
Step 3: Click the button above the search bar
Step 4: Copy paste the list
Tip: click in the square, then ctrl-a ctrl-c
Step 5: Download
With a download manager that support copy paste of multiple links, or wget -i pasted_the_list_here.txt
Source code
// ==UserScript== // @name e621's lazy mass downloader // @namespace e621 // @description e621's lazy mass downloader // @include ** // @version 1 // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== function isInBlack(tvalue, tarray) { for (j = 0; j < tarray.length; j++) { if (tarray[j] == tvalue) { tarray.splice(j, 1); return [true,tarray]; } } return [false,tarray]; } $(document).ready(function () { $('#post-list .sidebar').prepend('<div style="margin-bottom: 1em;"><button id="downPost">Generate direct links</button></div>'); $('#downPost').click(function () { $('#downPost').after('<p>Generating links...</p>'); var blackID = []; $('.blacklisted').each(function () { var spanID = $(this).attr('id'); spanID = spanID.slice(1); blackID.push(spanID); }); var expr=/https?:\\/\\/e621\\.net\\/post\\/index\\/(\d+)\\/?.*/i; var rege=expr.exec(window.location.href); var page="page="; if(rege==null){ page+=1; }else{ page+=rege[1]; } var tags="tags="; if($('#tags').val()!=""){ tags+=$('#tags').val()+"&"; }else{ tags=""; } $.get(''+tags+page, function (data, status) { if(status!="success"){ $('#downPost').after('<p>Error '+status+' whille getting '+''+tags+page+'</p>'); }else{ $('#post-list').prepend('<textarea id="linkList"></textarea>'); for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var inBlack = isInBlack(data[i].id, blackID); blackID = inBlack[1]; if (!inBlack[0]) { $('#linkList').val($('#linkList').val() + data[i].file_url+'\n'); } } } }); }); });
Known issues
You can't toggle off your blacklist while this script is active.
Updated by Magidog