The hour is finally neigh! A new generation of pokermayns is upon us! (Technically it has been for months, but now we have some legitimate info.)
Here's the trailers for those who haven't seen it yet:
English Trailer:
Japanese Trailer:
and the Serebii link if you want all the info:
So, what are your thoughts on the new starters, legendaries, region, etc?
Me personally I'm moderately ok with the starters, the fire starter is the only one that really leapt out at me tho. As for legendaries, Moon one looks pretty cool, but I gotta stick with PRAISE THE SUN. The region seems bretty darn snazzy, great to see it's not another japanese themed region, and i'm glad we're finally restricted to an overhead camera and chibi overworld character models. Though I really hope there's more to the region than the single island we saw in the trailer, cause it looks criminally small.
Also, but of a side tangent here, but is it just an unspoken rule that the art/porn of the first wave of newly released pokemon has to exclusively be male and/or gay? I mean seriously, i've seen this trend since like gen 4
Updated by Lance Armstrong