Topic: Commission prefix ?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Hello! I was looking at an picture and noticed an odd tag that didn't make sense. It only had 1 after it so only one picture tagged with it. On previewing the artist page listed in the source, the tag is actually the name of the person who commissioned the piece but it does *not* say the commissioner is the copy-write holder. Just says "Commissioned by: ". Is there a prefix I can use to indicate the tag is actually the commissioner of the piece?

Updated by TheGreatWolfgang

We do not have any existing prefix for commissioners. However, we sometimes do use the copyright tag for character owners who had requested for it.

The artist is always the copyright holder of the artwork, the characters within them are copyright to their respective owners.

If possible, search through the commissioner's gallery to see if they own the character. If they don't, then it's not necessary to keep a general tag (as the commissioner) for them. You can mention who the commissioner is in the post's description.

Updated by anonymous

i wouldn't want to give commissioners any bigger of an ego. i enjoy knowing the artist's tag is reserved exclusively for the artists who made the work.

Updated by anonymous

Who would search images based on commissioner?
I see no functional sense with it, unlike artist or character owner.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Some commissioners commission artwork with particular fetishes or themes, perhaps most famously Togepi1125. I can see why someone might want to search for that art, just like they might follow a commissioner on FA.

I support the introduction of tag types Character owner (owner:partran) and Commissioner (commissioner:togepi1125)

I think the better we acknowledge the people who had a hand in creating the art, the less likely they are to take it down from e6.

Updated by anonymous

"owner" is a bad term to use, because it implies that characters are property and have the rights that come with actual, physical property, as opposed to a collection of designs and ideas which make up a character. considering the amount of fanart that comes out of any given character, it is clear the creator of the character does not own them any more than they own the ideas which led to their creation.

the problem with adding in a commissioner tag is that, even given a commissioner's particular fetishes, the wide variety of artists and style they earn commissions in is equivalent to the wide variety of artists one earns through regular tag searches.

not to mention this would violate tag-what-you-see. given that a commissioner rarely has any definable style or preference in artwork, anybody could post a wild-ass guess as to who commissioned it, and it would go unchecked, because i hazard the majority of editors on this booru are not used to verifying such status, and i personally don't care.

avoiding making these wild-ass guesses would add onto the ever-increasing demands and standards of what must be added to a post to be sufficiently complete, where when we have the artist, copyright, and character tags, now we must add in the "creator" and "commissioner" tags at dubious benefit and dodgy verifiability.

in essence, it's redundant at best.

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
Who would search images based on commissioner?
I see no functional sense with it, unlike artist or character owner.

maybe not searching but blacklisting purposes it can be good in some cases. whitekitten is good example.

Updated by anonymous

Ledian said:
maybe not searching but blacklisting purposes it can be good in some cases. whitekitten is good example.

Which is totally pointless, you wouldn't see (eg) hyper from commissioner X but you would still see it from everyone else.

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
Some commissioners commission artwork with particular fetishes or themes, perhaps most famously Togepi1125. I can see why someone might want to search for that art, just like they might follow a commissioner on FA.

I support the introduction of tag types Character owner (owner:partran) and Commissioner (commissioner:togepi1125)

I think the better we acknowledge the people who had a hand in creating the art, the less likely they are to take it down from e6.

Though I do agree that character "owners" can have their own copyright tags;
I have to go against the implication of a commissioner-exclusive tag, with the reasons that @fewrahuxo have already mentioned. It is redundant and goes against TWYS.

The best we can do is mention the commissioner(s) in the description.

Plus, takedown mostly happens when people's characters get reposted without their consent. Never have I seen people taking down their commissions because they aren't appreciated enough, except for artists.

Ledian said:
maybe not searching but blacklisting purposes it can be good in some cases. whitekitten is good example.

DelurC said:
Which is totally pointless, you wouldn't see (eg) hyper from commissioner X but you would still see it from everyone else.

I don't understand.. Why do people want to blacklist whitekitten?

Is there a difference between generic artwork of the fetishes/themes and the ones whitekitten commissioned? Isn't it more effective to just blacklist the selected fetishes all together?

Updated by anonymous

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