Topic: e1547: e621+e926 app, now on iOS!

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Development is stopped, no future updates planned. Current Android APK still available here: releases

Original post (170515)

Android? Download the latest APK here: releases

iOS? If you're jailbroken, you can download the IPA from the latest release and should be able to install it on your device with AppSync Unified. I haven't personally tested this.

Otherwise, to get e1547 for free, you'll have to compile from source on a mac. This is fairly complicated but I'll be posting a guide on how to do this.

Alternatively, if you pledge to the $6 tier on my patreon campaign, I'll register your device for a jailbreak-free install. I only have a limited number of slots, however, and once they're gone I can't get more.

Other perks from patreon include participating in feature polls (so I do that thing you want next), access to builds between releases with the latest features and improvements, and getting your name in the app as a supporter. If you're interested, check it out here:

It's still my goal to get on the Play Store and the App Store, but I'm focusing on improving e1547 first.

If you wanna complain at me, file an issue on GitHub, drop into the e1547 Discord channel, or just post here.

Original post (170515)

New e621/e926 app (alpha)

Latest release:

Hello, I've recently got some bare-minimum functionality on an app for browsing e621/e926.

If you don't already know how to install an APK from unofficial sources, please wait until I release a beta on the Play Store. ETA 1-6 months.

What works:

  • Full-res pan and zoom
  • Search posts by tags
    • Images are loaded as scrolled, specifically sample_url.
  • Clickable button to open posts in-browser.
  • Access to raw post JSON.
  • Configurable for e621/e926 in Settings

There are icons for adding posts to your favorites and comments, but they aren't wired up since you can't log in to your account just yet.

It's written in Flutter/dart, which means that this hypothetically works on iOS. However, I don't have convenient access to a Mac to test it out.

If you want to attempt to build for iOS or would rather not download APKs from strangers on the internet with suspiciously new accounts, you can build from source by setting up flutter.

I'll put this up on the Play Store and F-Droid once it's more polished. Flutter is difficult since it's still a tech preview. There were no libraries for pan/pinch-to-zoom ima

Original post (170515)

ges for instance, so I had to write my own. I've got limited time to work on this, so I'd like to make sure the most important features are working decently before spending too much time polishing things.

Also, just so that there are no surprises, e1547 will not be free on the Play Store. However, if you aren't able to support me, the app will be available for free on F-Droid. It's also open-source, so you can compile and distribute it yourself, although I'd rather people purchase the app.

If you want new builds to be emailed to you in the meantime, message me with your contact info and I'll add you to the BCC list.

Update 170811: For build notifications, please join the e1547 discord channel]Anywho, feedback here or on the project page is welcome.[\section]

Updated by RriikTheDeinon

perlatus said:
I've made some significant progress on polish and the search interface with v0.1.0-alpha.

Just got it sideloaded onto my ZTE Z832 (Sonata 3, Android 6.0.1), and I've haven't run into any issues as of yet. Patiently awaiting your next release :)

Updated by anonymous

Though the info screen under a post (... > Info) is a one-for-one copy of the .json output. Is there any way you could parse that output into a more user-friendly/readable screen?


Also, when clicking on a post, you can't swipe to go to the next one. You have to hit back, then select the next one.

When full-screening a picture, swiping to the left moves the picture around on what I assume is a canvas of some kind. Moving it around too much actually crashed the app for me.

If you scroll completely past "load more" on a results page, it bounces all the way to the top.

Otherwise, this app is awesome. Might have to have you add me to that mailing list.

Updated by anonymous

Faux-Pa said: screen ... Is there any way you could parse that output into a more user-friendly/readable screen?

...can't swipe to go to the next one...

...full-screening a picture...Moving it around too much actually crashed the app for me.

...scroll ... past "load more" on a results page, it bounces all the way to the top.

Thanks for the feedback. I triaged them and will take a look. Couldn't reproduce the crash, but preventing panning way past the canvas boundary might fix that.

Updated by anonymous

perlatus said:
Thanks for the feedback. I triaged them and will take a look. Couldn't reproduce the crash, but preventing panning way past the canvas boundary might fix that.

I loaded the app up onto my HTC Desire 510 (Rooted, Custom Bootloader/OS, Android 4.4.2), and I wasn't able to replicate the crashing error. Perhaps it was just a fluke.

However, the info screen, swipe to go the next picture and the results-page bounce are still present. I'll try loading it up on my Samsung Galaxy J2 and see if the issue remains.

Edit: Same as above for my Samsung Galaxy J2 (Rooted, Developer Kernel, Android 6.0.1).

Updated by anonymous

New build: v0.1.1-alpha]

  • swipe left and right for previous and next posts
  • simplified fullscreen
  • copy and open direct links, links to posts, searches/tagsets
  • gifs and videos open in-browser and are clearly labeled in grid-view
  • internal improvements

Info screen isn't updated since I have some grander plans for how to present the post details and the JSON dump is good-enough for now.

Thanks for testing! If you have any questions/suggestions/feedback, let me know.

Updated by anonymous

For some reason your application is including null bytes at the start of the tags input, and it's preventing it from working properly. I wonder if it might be some sort of interaction with the keyboard application.

Reading through the code I suspect it has to do with and possibly the Tag.parse() method where split is involved. If it creates an empty split it might be encoding that as a null.

Updated by anonymous

I'm really liking this so far! Do you plan on adding pools one day? Keep up the good work

Updated by anonymous

is there are a search function because I don't know how to use it. Also, great job on the app, now I can finally be a furfag wherever I go.ö I hope it goes well for you.

Updated by anonymous

I have to admit, this is one of the best thought out e621 apps I ever used. I love how well designed it is! I'm hoping it gets new features soon. :)

Updated by anonymous

Wow, very, very nice app !

Keep up the good work ! :D

Updated by anonymous

New build: v0.1.2-alpha]

  • add support for single-tap to exit zoom mode
  • show swf/flash posts (you still need an external player)
  • fix favcount filtering and empty tag searches
  • slightly less terrible post info dialog
  • add post ID and submitter username to post swipe view
  • show some error messages on main posts page
  • usability improvements

Updated by anonymous

Sooo is there some secret to being able to log in? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Updated by anonymous

killeronice said:
Sooo is there some secret to being able to log in? ...

Er, sorry. The stuff in the navigation drawer is just a stub. There's no way to log in yet.

Updated by anonymous

I think the most important feature that is missing is the download to the phone
capability. Otherwise it sounds promissing

Updated by anonymous

So it's pretty good, but could there be a way to swipe to next picture when in Fullscreen mode? The bottom bar takes a lot of real estate on the screen!

Updated by anonymous

I love the app! This is the best e621 app that I have used so far. I would love to see more updates in the future and im getting kind of scared cause its been 3 months since the last update. I know things like this take time but can we at least hear from you to knoe the project isn't dead?

Updated by anonymous

silentkiller648 said:
...its been 3 months since the last update...

I'm still here. Been busy last couple of months trying to wrap up last semester at uni. Currently setting up an old MBP that had been sitting in my closet so I can build for iOS.

Updated by anonymous

Mobile app version is very helpful, makes it so much easier viewing and browsing. i am glad its a thing and hope to see this continue being fleshed out

Updated by anonymous

i got a little problem, i try to access the download site but it doesn't allow me. what could it be?

Updated by anonymous

App seems great as a concept and it also seems to be loading posts slightly faster than the other one ( ), however I would like to request the ability to skip to a random page (I have 12k+ favorites and say I want to view the first faves I made, that would take probably hours of loading and scrolling and consume tons of data).
Other than that it seems like a good app overall, however it would seem that it's kinda dead? Updates are few and far between which is not cool. Hopefully it will pick up steam in the future but yeah.

Updated by anonymous

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