Topic: Country and Nationality tags

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Is there any official word on how country tags (america, britian, japan, etc.) and nationality tags (american, british, japanese, etc.) are used? Most of them don't seem to have wiki pages or aliases/implications and appear to refer to all sorts of different things. The one that does have a wiki page, japanese, has a very broad definition and no aliases or implications so I don't know if the others are supposed to be used in a similar fashion or not.

We need to either properly define how these tags are meant to be used and set up all necessary wiki pages and aliases/implications, or delete them. Right now, they're being tagged too inconsistently.

Updated by Ryu Deacon

BlueDingo said:
Is there any official word on how country tags (america, britian, japan, etc.) and nationality tags (american, british, japanese, etc.) are used? Most of them don't seem to have wiki pages or aliases/implications and appear to refer to all sorts of different things. The one that does have a wiki page, japanese, has a very broad definition and no aliases or implications so I don't know if the others are supposed to be used in a similar fashion or not.

We need to either properly define how these tags are meant to be used and set up all necessary wiki pages and aliases/implications, or delete them. Right now, they're being tagged too inconsistently.

I think german, japanese, french are used for languages (in comics as example) while Germany, Japan or France are tagged if there is the national flag or something visible

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

D4rk said:
I think german, japanese, french are used for languages (in comics as example)

They shouldn't be, because that's what the *_text tags are for.

Updated by anonymous

*language*_text is for when there is text written in the specific language (like finnish_text) and *country*_flag is for when the country's flag is displayed on image (like finnish_flag).

this is not official info but i am pretty sure that nationality tags applies when other tags do not suit but there is still something that clearly links the post to a country (like character wearing traditional clothes of specific country or character who is ridiculous stereotype of the country's people)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Mutisija said:
like character wearing traditional clothes of specific country or character

Which are constantly mistagged, by the way. Chinese_dress usually ends up tagged as Japanese, etc.

Country tags are a mess. Those would need to be cleaned one by one, but that's probably not worth the trouble.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Which are constantly mistagged, by the way. Chinese_dress usually ends up tagged as Japanese, etc.

Country tags are a mess. Those would need to be cleaned one by one, but that's probably not worth the trouble.

But leaving it as a mess is no help to anyone.

Related to flags, clothing with a flag design on it. What should that be tagged as? Examples:
post #403005 post #938851

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

BlueDingo said:
Related to flags, clothing with a flag design on it. What should that be tagged as?

<country>_flag should suffice.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
<country>_flag should suffice.

I don't know, conflating items with the flag's design with the flag itself? Should we go with something more like *_flag_design or *_flag_pattern or *_flag_print or something to that effect for items other than flags featuring the design?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Would <country>_flag_clothing be too specific?

Yeah there's not much point in splitting it that much. Especially when you consider that *country*_flag is always going to be tagged more consistently.

Updated by anonymous

Fair enough. Should we go ahead and change all instances of country and nationality tags that refer to the flag and nothing else to the appropriate flag tag, and add flag_clothing where applicable?

EDIT: Also recommend aliasing/implicating flag_bikini -> flag_clothing.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Fair enough. Should we go ahead and change all instances of country and nationality tags that refer to the flag and nothing else to the appropriate flag tag, and add flag_clothing where applicable?

EDIT: Also recommend aliasing/implicating flag_bikini -> flag_clothing.

Implicate, please. Rather have bikinis still show up.

Updated by anonymous

I'm gonna necro this because there are recently-created wiki pages related to this and this thread didn't really lead to anything happening.

French - Irish - Russian

Should we use all the nationality tags in this way and create implications wherever necessary, or reevaluate their use?

Updated by anonymous

Nations(Germany, USA) as far as i see it are to be used when the environment the character(s) are in clearly resembles a place in real life like seeing the skyline of new york city outside of a window behind/next a character or seeing the political territory that nation makes up on a map or logo within the image for example.

Nationality(german, american) on the other hand are themes, not places, stuff like cuisine or dress code among other things specific to a certain nationality, eating sushi for example would be tagged as Japanese. in that i do kinda agree a lil bit with the recent wikis if only that the wiki's still need to be refined a lil with specific proper examples...

i would implicate certain clothes(including armor) or cuisine that are specific to a certain nationality to the corresponding nationality tag and anything depicting a flag design to the corresponding nation thru the nationality and nation tags cannot themselves be implicated to another tag.

PS: Cant implicate monuments as china and los Vegas among others are known for making replicas...

PPS: A note on the Irish wiki, green clothing is specific to a certain holiday not the Irish nationality as well as being a rather ambiguous example.

Updated by anonymous

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