Topic: Tag project: unnatural_colors

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Colors that do not appear in nature, with the exception of feathers and scales.

pink_fur purple_fur green_fur blue_fur
pink_hair purple_hair green_hair blue_hair
purple_penis green_penis blue_penis
purple_pussy greeen_pussy blue_pussy
glowing anything on a mammal or bird


Fictional species like lucario. Should we make exceptions, or stick to "tag what you see"?
Outliers like the sloth and mandrill.
red_fur is used for both natural red and actual red.

Also worth considering: overly saturated colors like below, however there are a lot of saturated creatures in nature so this may be species-dependent.
post #152737

Updated by O16

I am not sure if got it. Are you suggesting a new tag?

Supposing this is your intention... -1.

I) To truly create a tag with the function of differentiating unnatural coloring you need to do so through analyzing species by species, (cats cannot be yellow, capybaras cannot be black, humans may have purple eyes, jellyfishes may be crimson red, starfishes may be green etc).

Ia) One problem here is the amount of knowledge users would need to have in order of doing such tagging.

II) fictional species may either have either completely aleatory colors or have their own variations, making this task even more difficult; specially to fictional species without a clear referential on the real world, such as xenomorph or sergal.

III) I already saw some people expressing their discomfort regarding uncommon coloring, but there are people to dislike every single thing that exists (and even things that don't); so I am not sure if this tag is a necessity or even if would be so useful.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Not sure where this tag came from, or why it's needed.
There's already alternate_color for fictional characters and creatures such as lucario.

As for animals (ferals and regular furries), I was under the impression that the unusual_coloring tag was for that, though as far as I know it should only be used for notably unusual ones (like all unusual_* tags). Such as sparkledogs.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:

As for animals (ferals and regular furries), I was under the impression that the unusual_coloring tag was for that, though as far as I know it should only be used for notably unusual ones (like all unusual_* tags). Such as sparkledogs.

That makes much more sesen than creating a tag for unnatural coloration in general.

I have a question though:
For example, some crabs are naturally bright purple, however this is a really unusual coloration for crabs in general, does this means these species should be tagged with 'unusual_coloring'?

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
That makes much more sesen than creating a tag for unnatural coloration in general.

I have a question though:
For example, some crabs are naturally bright purple, however this is a really unusual coloration to crabs in general, does this means these species should be tagged with 'unusual_coloring'?

I'd say yes for unusual, but no for unnatural.

Updated by anonymous

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