This is a bare-bones Python script I'm using to mirror my favourites. You might not find this useful or even usable. This is what it can do:
- Work with just Python 3.6 (no extra modules needed!) or higher on Linux (other systems probably are fine as well)
- Download images by tag using the API. You need to make sure that your tag list is URL encoded already if you want multiple ones.
- Save images as ID-SOME-TAGS.EXT to a directory
- Save all sources and tags associated with the image to tags.csv in the destination folder (it does not update those though, at least ATM). Great for grep-ing!
- Don't redownload images because the tags changed, it strictly goes by ID.
- Optionally log in with user name and API key (required to be able to see some images)
- Spam your terminal
- Fail hard if e621 is slow/down
Usage example: python3 /home/me/pics/e621/ "fav:myname" "myusername" "mYAp1k3y1234"
I might actually work on this a little more now, had planned to add a less verbose mode at least from the beginning but never did. Oh, and putting sources in the CSV file works again as well, still in the same, janky format.
Download version 2.1:
Have fun I guess!