What will the holder be for The Last Guardian? The site has never applied any of the Dev's or the Publishers to any other posts so I'm guessing none will be added to this game them?
Updated by Furrin Gok
Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions
What will the holder be for The Last Guardian? The site has never applied any of the Dev's or the Publishers to any other posts so I'm guessing none will be added to this game them?
Updated by Furrin Gok
FurryLover001 said:
What will the holder be for The Last Guardian? The site has never applied any of the Dev's or the Publishers to any other posts so I'm guessing none will be added to this game them?
ICO could work, though it is also the title of the first game. team_ico maybe. Of all the overarching copyright tags, this would be a worthy one, unlike, say, SEGA, since ICO games all have a similar, distinct style and I believe exist in the same continuity.
Updated by anonymous
The copyright holder for The Last Guardian is The Last Guardian. That's it.
Updated by anonymous