I've noticed that the glasses_on_head, goggles_on_head, and sunglasses_on_head are barely tagged, have no wiki pages and are not aliased/implicated to anything. Should we make these tags official and add a more general eyewear_on_head tag to the mix, or remove these tags?
The definitions for these *_on_head tags are self explanatory. They refer to an article of eyewear being placed somewhere above a character's eyes, like on top of their head. Examples:
I propose the following implications if these tags are accepted:
glasses_on_head -> glasses
glasses_on_head -> eyewear_on_head
goggles_on_head -> goggles
goggles_on_head -> eyewear_on_head
sunglasses_on_head -> goggles
sunglasses_on_head -> sunglasses_on_head
eyewear_on_head -> eyewear (just in case)