I find furless nether regions attractive so I think there should be a tag for furless genitalia on furred/haired/feathered creatures. We could make three tags "furless_genitalia," "featherless_genitalia," "hairless_genitalia" and perhaps connect them to each other. Or we could make a simple tag to encompass them all like "Bald_Genitalia" or "Naked_Genitalia." It might have to be able to cover images that are rated questionable though since although no genitalia may be visible in the image, the regions surrounding them may be such as in example 3. If anyone can come up with an even better tag to refer to furless nether regions feel free to suggest. Maybe "Naked_Crotch" or "Naked_Groin?"
post #930293 post #901564 post #526860
Updated by titanmelon