Topic: What is love?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Here's an interesting discussion. :3

Is rape sex? -and more importantly: Should those tags occur together?

Updated by TheHuskyK9

In reality? No, rape is not sex.
In the context of tagging on this website? Yes.

Updated by anonymous

Let's play a game.
It's called "semantics".

Kimpumomo said:
Is rape sex?

FemiNazis (♀卐) would say: "All (hetero) sex is rape"
(gay sex is problaby also rape, because it can involve penises penetrating orifices, but FN's don't care about that because it doesn't involve wymmynz)

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
In reality? No, rape is not sex.
In the context of tagging on this website? Yes.

Rape is a sexual act. It's not consensual but it's still a sexual act.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Rape is a sexual act. It's not consensual but it's still a sexual act.

That's because it gives immense pleasure to the rapist (but only if it's a legitimate rape).

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
That's because it gives immense pleasure to the rapist (but only if it's a legitimate rape).

It has nothing to do with the pleasure of the act, a rape is a sex act. It's a dictionary definition.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
It's a dictionary definition.

And who writes dictionaries? MEN!

Updated by anonymous

It is not a sexual act.
It is a physical assault.
Rapists do not always target due to any sexual attraction, often even deviating from their normally defined sexuality, i.e. straight men raping other men, or gay men raping women.

If rape is sex, then so is stabbing someone in the genitals.

Updated by anonymous

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or more persons against another person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or with a person who is incapable of valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
gay men raping women


I guess that means females shouldn't relax around gay men like they always do.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:

I guess that means females shouldn't relax around gay men like they always do.

It's rare, but it does happen.

null0010 said:

You just proved my point.
It's an assault, and usually, but not always involves intercourse, therefor it is not sex.

Updated by anonymous

Kimpumomo said:
What is love?

Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more....

i'm so sorry, guys. This was needed.

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more....

i'm so sorry, guys. This was needed.

You're late to the party, click the youtube link in the first response to OP.

Updated by anonymous

More like slowking amirite?

Also, slowbro, there's a w in there

Updated by anonymous

Are you serious?
The most basic form of rape is sex.
It's sex if someone gets fucked in whatever way whether he/she wants it or not and whether there is love involved or not.

On the contrary, there are many people who say there was no rape if there was no sex.

There is nothing to discuss here.

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
Are you serious?
The most basic form of rape is sex.
It's sex if someone gets fucked in whatever way whether he/she wants it or not and whether there is love involved or not.

On the contrary, there are many people who say there was no rape if there was no sex.

There is nothing to discuss here.

You cannot say that rape is sex unless it is always sex.
There may be people who say that it's not rape without sex, but those people are idiots.
Object rapes are still rape, and don't qualify as sex.
Involuntary frottage is also a form of rape that doesn't involve actual sex.

Rape can involve sex, and frequently does, but it is not sex 100% of the time and therefor cannot be called sex.

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
Are you serious?
The most basic form of rape is sex.
It's sex if someone gets fucked in whatever way whether he/she wants it or not and whether there is love involved or not.

On the contrary, there are many people who say there was no rape if there was no sex.

There is nothing to discuss here.

You don't have to come in and be a dick about it... :P

As long as there are two sides, there is something to discuss.
Did you expect everyone to just go "oh, yeah... now that you say there is nothing to discuss, I acknowledge that, even though I have a different opinion"

What I mean is: I posted this thread for people to have some healthy discussion. Just coming here and saying there is nothing to discuss is neither contributing to the thread, nor the forum.

Updated by anonymous

Indeed, in a society where we cannot decide whether cake or pie is superior, a controversial topic like rape will always have people who will argue both sides of any question.

Like how in a "legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Despite the fact that there are studies that suggest a woman is more likely to get pregnant because of rape than from a single consensual night of sex.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
In reality? No, rape is not sex.
In the context of tagging on this website? Yes.

In context of tagging on this website also no!
Many pics tagged like this rape solo -tentacle should not get sex tag, because solo pics don't get sex tag (I'm not sure how tentacles count, but probably it also don't count as sex.)

Rape in real life:
Rape is neither necessarily connected to sex, nor to sexual pleasure of any side.
Also - using dictionary definitions as argument in discussion. Really?

Updated by anonymous

Don't believe rape has nothing to do with sex? Cut off a rapist's dick and see if he still rapes people. (Spolier: He will.) It's an act of violence.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
Don't believe rape has nothing to do with sex? Cut off a rapist's dick and see if he still rapes people. (Spolier: He will.) It's an act of violence.

Sometimes they start stabbing people instead.

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
In context of tagging on this website also no!
Many pics tagged like this rape solo -tentacle should not get sex tag, because solo pics don't get sex tag (I'm not sure how tentacles count, but probably it also don't count as sex.)

Rape in real life:
Rape is neither necessarily connected to sex, nor to sexual pleasure of any side.
Also - using dictionary definitions as argument in discussion. Really?

Fair enough, I amend my above statement to a categorical no instead of previous conditional one.

Updated by anonymous

I don't understand you guys.

If the rape happens with sex than it is forced sex.
Which means, if Person A sticks his penis in one (or multiple) orifices of Person B than it is indeed sex.

If the rape happens without sex then it isn't forced sex (but still rape).
For example, if I firmly place a red glowing metal pipe up some strangers rear then it is still rape but no sex.

If I remember it right (which doesn't have to be the case but it makes sense to me) the difference between rape and normal assault is that rape involves some perversion of a sexual act and normal assault doesn't.
Which would mean, simply cutting someone's penis off because I'd like to take a trophy is normal assault, while playing with the penis while he is attached and giving him a handjob (even if he stays flaccid) and then cutting it off because I got bored or the pizza finished would be rape.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
or the pizza finished

Despite the seriousness of the topic, this gave me a chuckle.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:

I don't understand you guys.

If the rape happens with sex than it is forced sex.
Which means, if Person A sticks his penis in one (or multiple) orifices of Person B than it is indeed sex.

If the rape happens without sex then it isn't forced sex (but still rape).
For example, if I firmly place a red glowing metal pipe up some strangers rear then it is still rape but no sex.

If I remember it right (which doesn't have to be the case but it makes sense to me) the difference between rape and normal assault is that rape involves some perversion of a sexual act and normal assault doesn't.
Which would mean, simply cutting someone's penis off because I'd like to take a trophy is normal assault, while playing with the penis while he is attached and giving him a handjob (even if he stays flaccid) and then cutting it off because I got bored or the pizza finished would be rape.

Aha, but then the question is, is it still rape if you cut the penis off and then start playing with it?

Updated by anonymous

MaShCr said:
Aha, but then the question is, is it still rape if you cut the penis off and then start playing with it?

It depends on the definition of "playing" in this context.

If there's evident sexual intent to it, then yes, it is rape.

(I sort of accidentally pressed "Edit" on your post instead of "Respond" at first, I hope I put everything back together properly. )

Updated by anonymous

MaShCr said:
Aha, but then the question is, is it still rape if you cut the penis off and then start playing with it?

That is a good question.
I guess if somebody cut off my penis and then played with it I would feel mildly violated. So this should count as rape.
The question now is what happens if the original owner doesn't know/see it but is then told about it later.

We may need to start some studies somewhere and/or ask some people about this.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The question now is what happens if the original owner doesn't know/see it but is then told about it later.

Aliens abducted my penis, used it as a sex toy and later sewed it back on!
(all while I was sleeping)

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
Don't believe rape has nothing to do with sex? Cut off a rapist's dick and see if he still rapes people. (Spolier: He will.) It's an act of violence.

MaShCr said:
Aha, but then the question is, is it still rape if you cut the penis off?


Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:

Foobaria said:
Don't believe rape has nothing to do with sex? Cut off a rapist's dick and see if he still rapes people. (Spolier: He will.) It's an act of violence.

MaShCr said:
Aha, but then the question is, is it still rape if you cut the penis off?


I hope you realize that you wildly constructed that quote out of two statements that don't have a direct relation to each other.

Updated by anonymous

The human rationalization for lust.
Same thing. We just give one a lovey-dovey euphemism to tell ourselves we aren't just fucking like rabbits to procreate.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
That is a good question.
I guess if somebody cut off my penis and then played with it I would feel mildly violated. So this should count as rape.
The question now is what happens if the original owner doesn't know/see it but is then told about it later.

We may need to start some studies somewhere and/or ask some people about this.

Hmm, but then is it rape if the victim merely believes the dismembered genitalia being played with is his own?

Suppose the attacker also obtains a very similar penis from somewhere else, tells the victim it's his, and proceeds to make merry with it in front of him; the victim's true penis could be stashed away for use on something entirely different. What then?

Updated by anonymous

Cutting off men's dicks? Really?

We can at least agree that true rape is not love, right? That would be absurd. As for sex, the most simple way of viewing it has already been iterated. If you can look at a picture of rape and say "That's sex," then rape can be sexual. If you look at another picture of rape and say "There's no sex" (or "What the fuck is he/she doing"), then rape can be nonsexual. It is a term dependant on the context.

Updated by anonymous

Is rape sex?

Well, what is rape? We know, but in a worded definition... what is the classification of rape?

Updated by anonymous

If sex is defined as penetration, whether anal, vaginal, or oral..
then I feel rape would not always be classified as sex.
Rape is, as mentioned, physical assault. It can include a multitude of "acts" - penetration or not. Rape is forced sexual activity.

Updated by anonymous

I, too, enjoy posting in the second page of discussion threads without reading the first.

Updated by anonymous

MaShCr said:
I, too, enjoy posting in the second page of discussion threads without reading the first.

And completely ignore the most important questions about the boundaries of rape.
Kids these days.

MaShCr said:
Hmm, but then is it rape if the victim merely believes the dismembered genitalia being played with is his own?

Suppose the attacker also obtains a very similar penis from somewhere else, tells the victim it's his, and proceeds to make merry with it in front of him; the victim's true penis could be stashed away for use on something entirely different. What then?

He should feel raped while witnessing the act and while still believing it was his little John.
But what would happen if the truth would be revealed later. Something like "You dun goofed! Your real penis is currently in the pan and will be your dinner. I merely made love to the dangly bits of your mysteriously deceased twin!"

While it is really interesting to philosophize about this subject I still say we may need to create a couple incidents to have professionals of forensic law take a look at that. They studied things like this and could put that degree to use.

Updated by anonymous

I wonder, if someone has actually done in human history: rape with dismember penis.

Because there are people out there that would do this.

Updated by anonymous

AlastairWhitehall said:
I wonder, if someone has actually done in human history: rape with dismember penis.

Because there are people out there that would do this.

You'd either need a taxidermist to get the penis rigid enough for any form other than cooked noodle or would need to stop the bloodflow out of it fast and long enough, after cutting it off, to get a similar effect.

It also seems like most people don't know that two third of the penis are actually inside the body and that this handle of sorts may be used to extend the often rather small length.
6 inches isn't really something to properly rape your victim with if you already planned to use his penis on him.

Also, bloodloss after cutting the penis of, there won't be much time left to properly rape someone with a wound like that.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, it's definitely time for me to leave the Internet for a few hours. *cough* Isn't science amazing...

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
Yeah, it's definitely time for me to leave the Internet for a few hours. *cough* Isn't science amazing...

The more you know! (wait for it)

Updated by anonymous

How about this.
If something is being penetrated (be it mouth, ass, pussy, or any other orifice) during a "rape" its sex.
If they are not being penetrated by something and in tears, or otherwise showing obvious signs of being raped, tag it only as rape...

I don't really see the problem with this...

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
You'd either need a taxidermist to get the penis rigid enough for any form other than cooked noodle or would need to stop the bloodflow out of it fast and long enough, after cutting it off, to get a similar effect.

It also seems like most people don't know that two third of the penis are actually inside the body and that this handle of sorts may be used to extend the often rather small length.
6 inches isn't really something to properly rape your victim with if you already planned to use his penis on him.

Also, bloodloss after cutting the penis of, there won't be much time left to properly rape someone with a wound like that.

Well the rapee wouldn't necessarily have to be the organ's owner, and one could theoretically maintain blood pressure and functionality in a fully extracted penis with little more than a large condom, a couple of rubber bands, and a bendy straw (see cross-section diagram below).


But the real question we need to be asking is: if a rapist with penectomic knowledge and access to a convenience store absconds with someone's junk and ends up raping somebody else with it later on, can the owner of said junk be charged with rape as well? What's more, if the owner's semen was fed in through the bendy straw, could the rapee(s) file for child support?

Updated by anonymous

Tagging rape is exactly the same as tagging any other sexual activity, just with the rape tag added. If the activity isn't sex (such as using a dildo), only tag it with rape. If it is (such as penetration by a penis), then tag it rape sex. The only difference is the rape image is also tagged with rape.

And stop derailing threads, it's annoying and disruptive.

Updated by anonymous


Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
The more you know! (wait for it)

(No one wanted to say it so...)

Updated by anonymous

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