Topic: Help Wanted; need to get a gift for my girlfriend

Posted under General

Hello My name is Leo, and I've been dating this girl name kit. We are both furries, (obviously) but she doesn't have a fursona pic. I wanted to get one for Valentine's day. She is a Husky and is purple and blue, main coat being purple. her tail is also very fluffy. so i'm looking for somebody nice enough to please draw me a fursona for her. I don't have a way to pay you and i'm not good at art drawing so i can't trade art, so please i ask of you, out of the goodness of your heart, please draw my girl friend a fursona
P.S. don't care if nsfw or not. and if it is nsfw one as a futa and one regular would be greatly appreciated

Updated by furballs dc

Renard_Queenston said:
Ugh, couples.


Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
Ugh, couples.

Did you know that I'm married?

Now you do!

Updated by anonymous

You're asking this on Valentine's day? I've never asked for a commission myself, but getting an actual commission can take about a week or longer. If you are serious about this, I'd have asked way in advance.

If your girlfirend doesn't mind late gifts, I'd advise visiting another site more focused on art trades and commissions. You could search for artist here, but you may not get any results.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Did you know that I'm married?

Now you do!

Who's the lucky kitchen appliance?

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
Who's the lucky kitchen appliance?

Fridge/freezer combo I'm thinking.

Or maybe the microwave. ...Or TV.

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
Who's the lucky kitchen appliance?

She's a cappuccino machine.

Updated by anonymous