Topic: Question about contraceptives and tagging

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This is mainly relating to post #575768
Within the tags, I noticed the tag "contraception" with only 1 post with it, presumably the one that's already open, so I switched it to "contraceptive", to a similar result. So I went to the wiki to see if the tag "condom" is implicated to anything, which it wasn't, so I taken out the "contraceptive" tag. I then noticed the "intrauterine_device" tag, again with 1 post.

My question is should we have tags such as "contraceptive", "IUD" ( aliased as "intrauterine_device") and the like, or are they considered invalid tags?

Also, if the "contraceptive" tag is approved, would "condom" be implicated to it?

Updated by furrypickle

This is one of those sorts of things that will probably only ever be relevant once...probably ever. Generally I try to limit the number of "only relevant once" tags whenever possible since there is a point where, yes you can be too specific.

Contraception/contraceptive on the other hand is kind of useless as a tag. If we had all the correct implications to it and all instances of contraception were tagged accurately it would still be 99.9% condom and with 1 post that had an IUD and maybe 1-2 posts that had a BC pill box in a purse or on a table and that's pretty much it. Not really much sense in doing all that work just to have what would essentially be another condom tag. Yes it is technically accurate but they don't really have much to do with each other tagging-wise.

So in this case I'd say tagging it with intrauterine_device or leaving it off would both be better than using contraceptive/contraception, but it doesn't really matter that much.

Updated by anonymous

We don't really need contraception or contraceptives as tags as far as I know.

However, leaving the intrauterine_device tag on that image makes sense, even though it's unlikely to ever have very many images it could belong on. It is still distinctive, and there really isn't a better way of tagging it for now. And if more show up, we'll still need a way to tag those too. So for the time being, it should probably keep the intrauterine_device tag.

Though some type of tag for various methods of "birth control" might be an improvement because it could include other methods like pills, etc. But looking around, it doesn't look like we have a tag for that yet. And again, it's not likely to come up all that often either, so we'd have to decide if it's worth creating one and then aliasing intrauterine_device to it. Which is a thought.

Updated by anonymous

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