Topic: Question about character tag

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

So, I'm new to uploading on this site and just recently uploaded some of my first pics on here but I've encountered a bit of an issue. My character is named Link and I would prefer to tag him in my uploads, but the site automatically thinks I mean the Link from the Zelda franchise and adds tags for Zelda and Nintendo.

Is there any way to get around this? I guess I could maybe change my tag to "Link_(dragon)" or something but I feel that really limits the ability search for him. If nothing else can be done and my example is ok I'll just go with that though, it's better than nothing (imo) xD


I've seen this happen before with other "famous" character names.
IIRC it is usually resolved by adding the character owners name in brackets.
Like so.

Updated by anonymous

Ahh, yeah, I guess that could be a solution :P

For now I went and changed the tag to Link_(dragon) but that is a bit generic so maybe I'll go with your suggestion.
Will see if I get any more feedback on which route to go first :3

Thanks for your input.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah I'd say to just go with link_(linktoreality). It helps a lot when there is something mistagged as you can just do a tag search for link* and it helps to have something more obvious such as the name of the uploader, or something similar.

Updated by anonymous

A last name for your character would sound better/look less clunky.

Updated by anonymous

Sadly, my character sorta don't have a last name :P
I've used a couple of different ones in situations where it's been needed but he doesn't have a set one. His name comes from my user name pretty much, he's the Link to reality (to the real me that is) online.

I'll just change the tags to Link_(linktoreality) thanks for the help :3

Updated by anonymous

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