Topic: Tag suggestion I think would be very helpful (if allowed)?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I was thinking we could create a 'mane_6'/'main_6' tag for the 6 main characters of MLP because:

  • It would be easier to use when uploading something; instead of having to write the 6 separate names, one could write 'mane/main_6' with implications to all 6. A comparison:
    • fluttershy rainbow_dash rarity applejack twilight_sparkle pinkie_pie = 61 characters. Adding _(mlp) brings the total to 97 characters.
    • Alternatively, one could write mane_6 - a total of 6 characters, over 16 times less than above.
  • For users limited to 6 tags per search, it would allow more space to find the right picture if they were looking for a pic with all 6 characters and then some specifics.

I'll say again: this is just a suggestion, but I think this would be useful since MLP is so popular on this site.


EmoCat said:
I was thinking we could create a 'mane_6'/'main_6' tag for the 6 main characters of MLP because:

  • It would be easier to use when uploading something; instead of having to write the 6 separate names, one could write 'mane/main_6' with implications to all 6. A comparison:
    • fluttershy rainbow_dash rarity applejack twilight_sparkle pinkie_pie = 61 characters. Adding _(mlp) brings the total to 97 characters.
    • Alternatively, one could write mane_6 - a total of 6 characters, over 16 times less than above.
  • For users limited to 6 tags per search, it would allow more space to find the right picture if they were looking for a pic with all 6 characters and then some specifics.

I'll say again: this is just a suggestion, but I think this would be useful since MLP is so popular on this site.

I'm against making redundant tags like this. These types of tags belongs to fandom's imageboards like

Besides that eSix Extend has functionality to create Tiny Aliases which pretty much resolves first issue and it's more flexible because each user has own set of shortcuts like that.
ESix Extend refine feature can be used to extend tag limit to some degree.

Updated by anonymous

It kind of breaks down in usefulness when only 5 of the characters are present. It would also be a pain to clean up if people started tagging main_6 for any post with one or more of the characters. Granted an implication the other way around (pinkie_pie_(mlp) -> main_6) would help this somewhat, but it would end up being a tag for ~fluttershy_(mlp) ~rarity_(mlp) ~applejack_(mlp) ~twilight_sparkle_(mlp) ~rainbow_dash_(mlp) ~pinkie_pie_(mlp) (47304 posts), which doesn't really narrow things down that much.

That being said, I'd like to poke at the search for fun:

These will be our reference ranges.

Let's see how that compares to this:

Not too bad, but we could do better. I suppose using one of the characters might increase our accuracy. I'll use the least tagged out of the 6 to eliminate more posts:

If you want to look for posts with only the main 6, you can limit it even further with this:

Which isn't perfect, but it has a pretty high hit rate compared to the reference range. Let's see what happens when we throw in an extra term:

Which isn't bad at all.

Point is, there are ways to pull similar data out if you know how to work the search box. The cheatsheet has a ton of options that you can use to help narrow down your searches. Additionally, the blacklist can be temporarily used to narrow down some of these. For instance, if you blacklist rating:s and -my_little_pony and then set the posts/page to 300, you will get only questionable or explicit posts that contain MLP. It's a handy way to save a couple terms in the search box, and you can essentially put an unlimited number of things into it.

Oh, and that Tiny Alias suggestion helps too (though admittedly I don't use it much). If you happen to use OS X/iOS Safari (and probably the Android equivalents) you can use autocomplete to create a psuedo-Tiny Alias. For example, I have zp -> zero_pictured and ag* -> ambiguous_gender still set from when I did the gender tagging project (Disclaimer: It doesn't work as well as Tiny Alias does).

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
A lot of well thought out stuff

Thanks for clearing that up for me, and thanks to Granberia too.

Updated by anonymous

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