Topic: Avoid_posting and conditional_dnp

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions


Former Staff

Just a small thing that I've noticed: searching for avoid_posting -conditional_dnp used to be handy for finding DNP posts.

But lately it's been getting cluttered by exceptions. Art posted by DNP artists themselves, or with special permission. Public comics and ads, such as much of the Frisky Ferals content. And consequently, actual DNP content tends to go unnoticed longer and longer. Sometimes for months.

I'm thinking that we might need some tag to sort those out. Maybe we could manually tag those as conditional_dnp? But on the other hand, that might lead to problems. Such as users tagging something as conditional_dnp to avoid deletion, when it actually is DNP... But I have no other ideas.

How about the rest of you?

Updated by ippiki ookami

It's possible that the implication conditional_dnp -> avoid_posting will actually be removed or revised soon as it's original purpose is no longer practical.

I never thought of manually tagging them with it, that might be an idea for certain posts. Honestly we've had users remove artist/avoid_posting tags to avoid getting caught (which tends to end badly for them), I don't think this would really have any more potential for abuse than that.

The only other thing I can think of is something more customized (or convoluted, if you prefer) like this:

  • conditional_dnp_(artist)
  • conditional_dnp_(commisions)
  • conditional_dnp_(non-public)

Or something like that. I don't think it would be as versatile as we need it to be though, unfortunately.

Updated by anonymous

I'm okay with removing the conditional_dnp -> avoid_posting implication. I'm not worried about the abuse potential for conditional_dnp. If someone does try to abuse it, it will be noticed pretty quickly.

Updated by anonymous

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