Topic: Need advice, afraid to post

Posted under Art Talk

I have been mulling around the thought of posting my adults-only artwork here but have some serious concerns. For one, I have established a style that's unique to me. Everyone who sees it posted here would immediately recognize it from my other online galleries. I've been criticized before for posting adult artwork but I NEED to share it! Otherwise, what's the point of creating it? But, you see, my fiance doesn't like it. There are more than a few of our mutual friends who post here or browse at least here alongside their other online galleries. If any of my artwork were seen here, I'm afraid I'd get in trouble. LOL What he doesn't know is that I finished a full 36 page adult comic in secret. I'm very proud of it. Nobody has ever seen it. Nobody even knows I was working on it. Even if I used a different name, it would still be VERY obvious it's mine. There are also over 100 pieces of adult artwork that I have been DYING to share with others.

My fiance knows I still draw the occassional naughty thing, but he'd probably kill me if he knew HOW MUCH I've got stashed. I don't know what to do. My fiance means to me MUCH MORE than drawing mature things, but I can't just turn off my creative generator. I've never considered this a "double life" or anything; after all, he'a furry too...but a CLEAN furry, unless the naughty art is made specificly for him. He's a socially active artist too.

I just don't know what to do or how to keep from "getting caught".


By the way, I probably won't responde here but I WILL read what you post.

Updated by Clawstripe


Former Staff

Gotta agree with the two above me. If there's one thing that will destroy a relationship, it's the failure of communication from one or both people. You need to discuss this with your significant other. You need to tell them that you understand that they don't like the fact that you draw furry porn, but also let them know that not drawing porn at all anymore makes you feel very constricted as an artist. Let them know that not drawing porn at all is something that would make you unhappy, and see if you can reach some sort of compromise with them (besides the current "porn-only-of-them" compromise that seems to be in effect).

This is a person that you love and trust, and I assume they're loving and trusting of you as well. You should both come together as loving and trusting adults and discuss this. You want to discuss it because you want your relationship to be a successful one. Your significant other at that point would need to decide if they're willing to allow you to continue drawing porn; they'll need to determine whether or not allowing you to continue drawing porn will lead to a happier, healthier relationship, or if it's something that will bother them so much that it would jeopardize the relationship.

Updated by anonymous

I agree with everyone above me. Find out WHY it bothers your significant other and work to find compromise. It's not like your cheating on him with the invisible furries in your head.
Get to the bottom of this. He may be a clean furry, but no where does it say YOU need to adhere to that.

I actually think it's kind of hippocritical of him to say "porn is bad, unless it's for me" especially since it's a case of "I don't want you to draw what you want to draw."

so I'd talk to him, find out why it bugs him, see if there are any rules that you can set up to make him more comfortable (No porn involving your fursona unless it's with his? Porn of your fursona must be 'approved' by him before posting online?) and try to find a common ground. It's not fair of him to hamper your creativity :C BUt you also need to figure out and respect why it bigs him. Is it because porn period makes him uncomfortable? Is it becasuse he dislikes you sexualizing yourself in a way that doesn't involve him? figure it out.

Updated by anonymous

Add my agreement to those above me, please.

You've got two things here—your fiance and your art. Your words say your fiance is more important, but your actions say your art is more important. If you're deceiving him now, before you're married, then the art is only part of a much larger issue.

You guys need to talk and work this out, or the relationship is going to end. Badly.

Updated by anonymous

^All those^
Or you could sneak around him and hope to god no one sees it that knows him...
All above is best...just trying to play devil's advocate...

Updated by anonymous

Clear the air with him. He will probably be more amenable to it than you realize. Furthermore, if he truly does care for you, he should be open to you drawing such stuff if it makes you happy, even if it's something he's uncomfortable with.

Updated by anonymous

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