Topic: Fall of Equestria pool

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Well, I don't really think we need both the tag and the pool, and since the pools are more for posts with common themes I think we can do without the pool and just keep the tag.

The only thing the posts have in common is the tag anyway.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Do we really need this?

I'm not really that familiar with the story, but it seems like the pool isn't much different from the fall_of_equestria tag and the posts in it don't exactly seem to fit with what a pool is usually used for.


Well from what I can see, which i didn't need to this early in the morning, it seems to fit the bill of a pool quite nicely. It says on the help:Pools page that:

Pools are groups of posts with a common theme...This makes pools ideal for subjective tags, or for posts that are part of a series (as is the case with comics).

Although I just skimmed over the posts, it did seem to me that they all shared a roughly equivalent theme, without necessarily being part of a comic. I'm not sure if it's a chronological series though, but, to me, i doesn't seem to violate the idea of a Pool.

In contrast, if we were to move it into a set, which, according to the Help:Sets page:

Sets, like pools, are groups of posts. Unlike pools, however, sets do not necessarily have a common theme,

it wouldn't make much sense, since I can definitively say that the Fall of Equestria pool has a common theme, making it more suited towards a pool than a set.

I could be wrong though.

Updated by anonymous

The question is arguably more whether the tag is needed, really.

Updated by anonymous

They sort of have a theme in that they all fall within the same fan universe, but the posts themselves don't really have anything in common other than that.

To me it makes about as much sense as having a friendship is magic pool. Yes they all have a common theme, but do we really gain much benefit by adding back/forward buttons to it?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
To me it makes about as much sense as having a friendship is magic pool. Yes they all have a common theme, but do we really gain much benefit by adding back/forward buttons to it?

I suppose you're right. To me, it seemed to fit the criteria, but then again, I'm fairly new to this site so I'm not quite 100% on how everything is considered.

In defense of the pool though, a friendship is magic pool would be very broad, and cover a lot of things, while Fall of Equestria seems more narrowed down, and confined to a single thing.

Updated by anonymous

BanzaitheEngie said:
I suppose you're right. To me, it seemed to fit the criteria, but then again, I'm fairly new to this site so I'm not quite 100% on how everything is considered.

No worries, nothing wrong with discussion. It can help to get an outsider's* perspective as someone new may point out ideas, solutions, or inconsistencies that would seem less obvious than when you are used to the current system. As of right now though, the pools are primarily used for comics, but seem to work well for things like "2014 Christmas Pokémon folio by Artist_X" and somewhat well for the various "30 versions of the same thing" that sometimes get dumped into the new queue.

To be honest, it seems like the help page might need a rewording as "subjective" and "theme" may be a bit misleading as we've already found out in this thread. I mean, a pool like "Pictures of furs in santa hats that I find really hot" technically both has a theme and is subjective.

*For lack of a better word.

In defense of the pool though, a friendship is magic pool would be very broad, and cover a lot of things, while Fall of Equestria seems more narrowed down, and confined to a single thing.

I can't even imagine the chaos that that pool would bring.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
As of right now though, the pools are primarily used for comics, but seem to work well for things like "2014 Christmas Pokémon folio by Artist_X" and somewhat well for the various "30 versions of the same thing" that sometimes get dumped into the new queue.

Ah! I get it now, will definitely keep that in mind next time.

And yes, I think a rewording of the help:pools page would be very helpful, perhaps to something like:

"Pools are groups of posts with a common, specific theme, more often than not displaying a storyline or a series of closely related images."

Could be helpful, but, then again, I'm new here.

Edit: Grammar

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Do we really need this?

I'm not really that familiar with the story, but it seems like the pool isn't much different from the fall_of_equestria tag and the posts in it don't exactly seem to fit with what a pool is usually used for.


The tag isn't necessary if the pool itself titles it for us, and the images in said pool bear the "Fall of Equestria" title.

I've come across a few other pools that have a tag with the same name as the pool they're catalogued in. I feel it's redundant and I simply removed the tag as I come across them.

Updated by anonymous

IMO this shouldn't be a pool. Main reason why is that it is done by many different artists. Pictures in pool are generally made by one artist (or maybe few in special cases, but not that many). If it was done by one artist I would say that it's probably okay to keep it as a pool because similar theme.

Updated by anonymous

Does there exist a pool where pictures are done by more than one artist? (and it's not a comic)

Updated by anonymous

Delian said:
Does there exist a pool where pictures are done by more than one artist? (and it's not a comic)

pool #4586 is a group of Applejack images done as a collaboaration of 3 artists, where one of them did the lines, one the sketches, and one colored it.

pool #2269 is a collection of wallpapers (presumably made by the same person) with that happen to have images done by several artists in them.

pool #3971 is a specific set of images originally from pyruvate that have been edited.

But yeah, most of them would probably be comics or something like a comic.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Seems like it should be a set instead of a pool.

Updated by anonymous

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