Topic: Anthrofied characters that are already anthro

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This is a rather oddball tagging issue.

I've commented before that I personally don't tag most small digimon like veemon and gaomon with anthro. Clearly, others disagree, at least in the second case, judging by the amount of gaomon -anthro.

However, you also run into cases where such characters are given humanlike proportions, which doubtlessly call for the anthrofied tag. Digimon and pokemon, however, are not the only cases of such base "anthro" characters. Animal Crossing , Sonic or Regular Show characters come to mind. The limits can be surprisingly fuzzy: I personally wouldn't tag quite a few of the pieces in sonic_(series) anthrofied with anthrofied, whereas quite a few regular_show pieces could use it!.

So I guess, my question comes down to this: Should a character that can become anthrofied be tagged with anthro in its original form?

Updated by Jugofthat

no because in the original form they're not anthro in the case of MLP characters

that would fuck up a lot of blacklists

Updated by anonymous

As the wiki states, Anthrofied can be:

A) A character or fictional species that is normally feral being given humanoid proportions.
B) A character that's already anthro becoming (even) more realistically human-like.

Since ferals can become anthrofied, the original form doesn't always need to have an anthro tag. So... no.

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
Should a character that can become anthrofied be tagged with anthro in its original form?

post #400299

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
post #400299

lol wtf? that's a first for me. i guess someone REALLY likes they're shampoo.

Updated by anonymous

Of course I don't meant to refer to

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
no because in the original form they're not anthro in the case of MLP characters

that would fuck up a lot of blacklists

Jugofthat said:
As the wiki states, Anthrofied can be:

A) A character or fictional species that is normally feral being given humanoid proportions.
B) A character that's already anthro becoming (even) more realistically human-like.

Since ferals can become anthrofied, the original form doesn't always need to have an anthro tag. So... no.

Seriously? I thought I hasd some pretty damn clear examples of what I meant. If the paragraphs are scary, don,t comment on the question they're meant to explain.

Updated by anonymous

Don't be rude, please. I read your paragraphs (I'm used to Furrypickle, this doesn't faze me in the least), but probably didn't fully realize that we're only supposed to concentrate on anthrofied anthros here. In which case I'm still going to refer to the wiki since point B seems to hold your answer (which in this case is 'yes').

An anthro can be further anthrofied, so the base form of a certain anthropomorphic character gets an anthro tag, while an even more humanoid version gets anthrofied + anthro (the latter is implicated). Simply put: if you're not tagging an ordinary Gaomon with anthro, you're technically doing it wrong.

If this doesn't satisfy you, I guess I just don't get your query.

And yes, the lines of anthrofied and when exactly something looks different enough to deserve the tag can be quite blurry. Not much we can do about that with so many different characters, I'm afraid.

Updated by anonymous

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