Topic: What counts as side_boob?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

On the occasion of our 11,111th side_boob image, I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on how the tag should be used. Currently, the wiki's definition requires that the character is nude/topless, and that only one breast (and not the nipple) is visible. But that's not how side_boob is always used in practice, so perhaps we could expand the scope of the tag?

For example, which of the following, if any, should be tagged side_boob? (all but the 4th one currently have the tag)

post #567659 nipple visible
post #518675 breasts are not bare
post #327437 both breasts and nipples visible
post #785342 like image #2 but with less breast showing
post #783967 very liberal interpretation of "side boob"


The 5th (last) one definitely doesn't need the side_boob tag because the character is completely facing you.

Every other character is either at their side or turning to their side to see you, hence the need for the side_boob tag.

Honestly, the wiki entry for side_boob should be updated to take into account the levels of side boob exposure.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I can't really see the last pic being side_boob either. I've heard of sideboob used in the sense of the current wiki definition, as well as in the "clothes expose the side of the breasts" sense often seen in the context of celebrities and fashion:post #780965

However, I'm not so sure we should just go by the simple breast(s) visible + character facing the side formula, since then we could just search using something like breasts side_view, and also because similar tags for side_penis, side_butt, or side_wing seem kinda silly.

Updated by anonymous

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