Topic: Funny/Embarrassing Situation at Club

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So this is kinda off-topic but I think this was quite a funny situation. This happened last night, it was my first time going to a nightclub.
Anyway, I was just waiting at the bar for a drink and this guy (stranger) in front of me just turned around and winked at me, I smiled back thinking he was being friendly and he literally just leant over and put his hand in my pants. The whole situation just surprised me so I was just like "what the hell!" And then he went off.

So yeah that was about it, has anyone else experienced similar or other funny/embarrassing situations at clubs or pubs? Because I'm just really shocked at what happened.

Updated by Phylax

That's actually pretty norm. You will encounter thirsty, horny, and drunk dudes at the club, I guarantee it.

My sis went to the club with her friends for the first time and the very bulk of her experience was dudes trying to separate her from her circle to dance with her or her friends. One dude actually approached her to ask her if she wanted to dance with his friend. "It's his first time and I want him to have fun" lol

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
That's actually pretty norm. You will encounter thirsty, horny, and drunk dudes at the club, I guarantee it.

Well I guess I should get used to it then! To be fair, I am tired of being a virgin so I'm heading in the right direction!

Updated by anonymous

xXMAGIKzMushroomXx said:
Well I guess I should get used to it then! To be fair, I am tired of being a virgin so I'm heading in the right direction!

Just be careful and don't forget to wear protection if it ever gets to that point :V

Updated by anonymous

A couple years go I was at a gay bar with a few friends. All of us were straight except one dude, and he was the only one who got hit on, and it was by some drunk girl trying to grope him.

Updated by anonymous

Spess_Muhreen said:
A couple years go I was at a gay bar with a few friends. All of us were straight except one dude, and he was the only one who got hit on, and it was by some drunk girl trying to grope him.

lol, I swear girls always crush on gay men more! Jeez hardly seems like a gay bar if all that was happening!

Updated by anonymous

Fuck..... this sounds like my ex-bf.

"Interpretive or receptive agnosia (amusia) is an inability to understand music. The term "amusia" covers a broad spectrum: from those with a mere deficit of rhythmic ability (mild dysrhythmia), to those with heavy all-encompassing amusia, including the recently coined "distimbria"; sufferers regard music as simply "noise", often compared to drainpipes or drills, or other invasive forms of background noise. Vocal singing can be understood, but is simply seen as "odd tone of voice."

Of course, it also could have just been that I was trying to get him to like Nine Inch Nails.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said
Of course, it also could have just been that I was trying to get him to like Nine Inch Nails.

Oh my God, I love nine inch nails! I've been kind of scarred since about a year ago there was Trent Reznor porn on here (not real obviously). Haha, I can see why you might have thought that caused it though!

Updated by anonymous

xXMAGIKzMushroomXx said:
Oh my God, I love nine inch nails! I've been kind of scarred since about a year ago there was Trent Reznor porn on here (not real obviously). Haha, I can see why you might have thought that caused it though!

Curious, what kinda tunes do you like?

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
Because I like musical references?

C'mon, who doesn't like music?

I'm not browsing for music. I'm browsing for conversation, which URL links contribute nothing to for me; or for content pertaining to the subject, which while youtube links can be relevant, I still hate the idea of having to click a link when the person could just type what's necessary. (In the event it's a reference to something in the video, talk about why the video is necessary).

Updated by anonymous

Damn... never been gropped at a club :/..... lucky u

Updated by anonymous

moxesu said:
Damn... never been gropped at a club :/..... lucky u

I was quite flattered! I mean, my first night out to a club!

Updated by anonymous

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