The multiple_scenes tag seems to be the least clear of the multiple_* tag group.
Based on the wiki and past conversations, it's similar to multiple_images. Except that there's something in common in all of them, usually either a character or a location. Sometimes in chronological order, sometimes not.
post #220210 is one example of what I've considered to be multiple_scenes: it jumps from setting to setting, but has the same character in all scenes. post #284119 is an another: same character, three different partners.
However, the second examples used in wiki (post #564251) looks more like a sequence/slideshow to me. Same characters, same location. One scene shown as a slideshow. Should it really be under multiple_scenes?
Currently, the tagging for this is all over the place. Definitely needs some cleaning... but exactly what should be cleaned out? What is the proper way of tagging this?
Updated by DragonFox69