Topic: Aphrodisiacs: How they work and where to buy them.

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Okay, so I've been asking around for a long time about buying some Aphrodisiacs, and more importantly how they work, and I can never get straight/definite answers about them.

So now I'm here asking (praying to the Gods of eSix) for legitimate and very definite answers to the following questions:

1) Where can I buy them, and for how much money?

(Hint: This is the most important question. I will be doing my own tests anyway so if this question is answered first then the rest don't matter, But feel free to answer the rest anyway if you want. Also the ones I want are for use on Males so please keep that in mind when answering. Thanks. )

Further Questions:

2) What even are Aphrodisiacs?

*What are the chemical compounds that make them up,... Blah, Blah?

3) Are they (usually) liquid, solid, gas, or hell, even plasma?

*If more than one of these, Which form(s) is most effective (fastest acting, lasts longest, etc.?)

4) Do aphrodisiacs only work strictly for females, strictly for males, or both?

*If both males and females can use them, are there separate ones for each gender?

*If a Male is exposed to Female aphrodisiacs (and/or vice versa) what happens?

5) Medically speaking, how do they work and how do they affect the human body? Psychologically speaking, how do they affect the metal state of those who use them?

*for example, do liquid ones get absorbed through the skin upon touch or is consumption faster? Do gas ones work via aroma/olfactory sensation or just simple inhalation?

6) They say chocolate has aphrodisiacs in it, albeit in small amounts. Do the ones in chocolate only work on one gender, or both?

*Does dark or white chocolate have a higher amount of it than regular chocolate?

7) Why so many questions?

Answer:Cause when an idiot, like me, is given an inquisitive mind, like the one I have, this kind of nonsense is what Ensues. You're Welcome World.

I want answers preferably from personal experiences, but I will accept scientific/medical answers as well.

Thanks for all who take the time to answer my questions!

Updated by ShylokVakarian

1. Aphrodisiacs can be anything really, but some have been proven to help more than others like avocados, bananas, chocolate, and even red wine, just to name a few. You can go to your local grocery store :V

2. Aphrodisiacs are foods, drinks, or drugs that helps your sexual performance.

3. Mostly solid and liquid

4. It works on both but results may vary

5. It's mostly a body reaction from food and drinks. For example: Watermelons have phytonutrient citrulline, which leads to a spike in amount of nitric oxide in your body. That spike causes blood vessels to relax and speed up circulation. The end result is quicker arousal in lesser amount of time.

6. Cocoa contains a chemical called phenylethylamine, which can conjure feelings of well-being and excitement. It can work for both genders but again, results may vary.

Updated by anonymous

The short answer: Aphrodisiacs in the classical sense, making a person aroused, don't exist.

There has been a lot of money and time invested into research of aphrodisiacs (who would have thought) and the results vary between "inconclusive" and "doesn't work". What they have found, however, is that some of those "aphrodisiacs" help erections by either relaxing the person, aiding blood flow, or giving a rush of endorphin. Which can make it easier to get an erection or make the erection stronger but has zero to do with arousal themselves.

Where to buy these things? If you want online shopping research a trustworthy apothecary wherever you live, has potentially higher prices but also potentially a lot safer for your body.
I would recommend waiting for the clinical trial on anything you want to use, and also not just randomly testing anything, but that's your business.

I want answers preferably from personal experiences, but I will accept scientific/medical answers as well.

The trials showed that the placebo effect is the common source of these aphrodisiacs "working", as such personal experience widely varies based on whether or not the person believes it works.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
3. Mostly solid and liquid

Don't forget amyl nitrites

TheHuskyK9 said:
6. Cocoa contains a chemical called phenylethylamine, which can conjure feelings of well-being and excitement. It can work for both genders but again, results may vary.

Different phens can have far different reaching effects. I'd recommend thumbing through PIHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved) by Dr. Alexander Shulgin to find the most effective to suit your own needs

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:

parasprite said:

NotMeNotYou said:

Well done you guys. No, I mean really. I guess I really will have to get on those green-bar promises I made earlier, huh?

(I really was gunna do it by now, but I got busy IRL like always. Who'd of thought!)

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
2nd day, and already giving out stupid of the year awards.. this is going to be a nice year :D
Dont eat plasma, its not good for you.

To be fair:
1) Yes, I am stupid. You don't have to be mean about it though. Accept it and move on, please.

2) I consume pure electricity all the time, as do most humans. Most just aren't as aware of it as I am. Electricity is technically Plasma.

3) Nothing is REALLY "good for you" at all. Even Water or oxygen can kill people too.

Though in this instance I'm sure you mean "is actually particularly bad for you", In which case neither is Alcohol, Fags, or to be frank, *cough* excessive masturbation *cough* (not to call anyone out).

Moderate amounts of masturbation = healthy/medically beneficial.
Excessive amounts of masturbation = not so healthy/can be both a physical and a mental hazard, usually in the longterm.

Oh, yeah, and thanks for the medal.

Updated by anonymous

There are some drugs that can used as aphrodisiaka. They will chance how do you feel your body. The problem is they are not legal. Drugs are bad kids mkay!? :)
So dont smoke weed and play on your bodyparts. ;)

Updated by anonymous

Moral of the story: Eat your fruits and vegetables :V

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:

So, your answer was:

Caustic, recreational-use inhalation chemicals sold in vials that do the same thing (to most males) physically/sexually as just taking Viagra, and Literal LSD?


Not sure if answers are "scientific"
or from personal experience

Well, I guess if you add some sleep meds to this mix then it's no wonder (your) wet dreams are more pleasureable than actual sex.

Amazing! Science at it's finest!

Only from your friends at DragonTech!
*DUKE THUMBS UP* *ding* *sparkle, sparkle!*

Seriously though, Lance, thanks for the input. It really is appreciated, despite my snark.

Updated by anonymous

Tja Kristal. You have to find a balance between delicate fruits and illegal drugs, to not ruin your health and live. :D
Do not the hard drugs, there are not many people in this world who truely can controll their consum. The most are not straigth to them self. So don't let any substance be the ruler of your life. When you let this happen you are fucked up. :/
Sorry for my shitty english. I have seen a lot of precariois existences.

Updated by anonymous

ponylover8000 said:
Furryporn on drugs can be a very exiting thing to do. XD

Two great tastes that taste great together™

Updated by anonymous

my meds work as side effect for some people as aphrodisiac and i happen to be one of the people who experience this side effect. honestly its the most annoying crap ever, 0/5 would not recommend.

Updated by anonymous

ponylover8000 said:
Tja Kristal. You have to find a balance between delicate fruits and illegal drugs, to not ruin your health and live. :D
Do not the hard drugs, there are not many people in this world who truely can controll their consum. The most are not straigth to them self. So don't let any substance be the ruler of your life. When you let this happen you are fucked up. :/
Sorry for my shitty english. I have seen a lot of precariois existences.

Your English is well enough for me.

As far as drugs go however, I medically am incapable of feeling euphoria unless physically and mentally exhasted beforehand or given large doses of a substance at once:

If I consume alcohol, I can't get drunk or even "buzzed" but I can still get sick from consuming too much. (yay sickness, but not really.) In-Lab testing with Cannabis and several other substances have been done as well and results of all were negative for getting "high" (a.k.a Uplifting/Stabilizing Mood.)

Still, Thanks for the input.

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
a new e621 simulator video is only a matter of time it seems

*watches vid*

Well, shit.

As a VA, now I want to do my own account's Robot/GladOS-type Voices if that is possible.

MSG me for Script Samples. Thanks.[/i]

Updated by anonymous

Okay, everyone. Good News:

A couple of days ago I started this Forum to help me with my IRL research on Real Aphrodisiacs. Well I think I may have had a breakthrough on it.

Though it is a small one, I feel that it is a step in the right direction.

Now, I am still doing the research however and I am very busy with that at the moment. And no, I don't mean that I'm 'Getting Busy for Science', but I am actually doing real Experiments involving willing test subjects and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

So I will do a few more tests and will be back later with further details.

Hint: Surprisingly it has to do with Meds known for Decreasing sex Drive in Males. Who'd of thought?

Thanks for all the input so far everyone. Keep it up!

Mutisija said:
my meds work as side effect for some people as aphrodisiac and i happen to be one of the people who experience this side effect. honestly its the most annoying crap ever, 0/5 would not recommend.

Could you possibly elaborate on that for my research.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Your English is well enough for me.

As far as drugs go however, I medically am incapable of feeling euphoria unless physically and mentally exhasted beforehand or given large doses of a substance at once:

If I consume alcohol, I can't get drunk or even "buzzed" but I can still get sick from consuming too much. (yay sickness, but not really.) In-Lab testing with Cannabis and several other substances have been done as well and results of all were negative for getting "high" (a.k.a Uplifting/Stabilizing Mood.)

Still, Thanks for the input.

Do it for "sience" an let us now what happend. XD

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
"Hint: Surprisingly it has to do with Meds known for Decreasing sex Drive in Males. Who'd of thought?"

Imagine a difference between making an ancient computer faster and making it slower.
Some things may be learned, but its far too easy to break something and they are unlikely to get something useful out of it.

Please forgive my idiocy but, I don't understand your point towards me. Can you Please Lamen Term that for me. Thanks.

@Mutisija medz name plz :D

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Please forgive my idiocy but, I don't understand your point towards me. Can you Please Lamen Term that for me. Thanks

I'll admit I'm lost too. :/

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I'm going to guess bupropion.

If that was at me then no but you are close in your thinking. (not chemically but effect-wise) When I tested that med on myself, all it really did was make me feel and sound like I imagine Maud Pie to be All day. (I didn't feel any emotion. I only felt the emotion "blah". At least, that's the best I knew how to articulate it anyway.) That and it acted as an "Addictol"-esque Drug for Nicotine addiction after I tried one too many Fags.

In short, I'm not going to even try that on my test subjects. It would probably goof up the whole Experiment Indefinately, as it takes a relatively long time to get out of your system.

Short, Vague answer:The Chem I was referring to was Risperdone. However, the Med itself is not the breakthrough. The results of a test Involving it was.

Updated by anonymous

Okay Everyone. Test Number One Finally Complete!

Warning: Actual Science Below

Initial Test Results: Male Test Subjects

Note: In this testing report, I am referring to Aphrodisiacs as "a Chemical that Causes extreme arousal regardless of an erection" and not "a Chemical that causes erections".

Also, all Test Subjects, explicitly mentioned or not, were willing participants in this test and were given details of the test prior to participation.

Details: In my tests, (though I am not saying what the tests were or what they Involved yet because I am still researching it further and want to be sure) some of my Male Test Subjects were recorded as feeling "like a slow-moving wave of liquid heat" was being poured on their head and was "slowly rolling down [their] entire body like a sheet". Shortly afterwards, they suddenly expressed an extreme urge to have sex/masturbate, even though two of them didn't even have an erection. When told to wait "just a little longer", only one Subject tried to wait while the rest stated they could not. But even the Subject that attempted to wait succumbed to his desires when he stared "leaking" (And yes, they were all provided with requested Toys.)

Upon Cumming, Some started giggling from what seemed to just be pure euphoria. They also reported that time "being the best" [time] [They] ever had"

Needless to say, the Control Group showed nothing of the same. The Control Group also showed no abnormalities that could be attributed to the Placebo Effect.

Summary: My hypothesis is that the "heat wave" is an 'aphrodisiac'-like brain chemical being quickly released into the bloodstream. I think that if this "heat wave" still happens after I repeat this test in the future, I could get a blood sample both before the "heat wave" and afterwards and compare the two samples to see which chemical is elevated in the second sample. That would hypothetically give me the chemical formula of the 'Aphrodisiac' and then I could recreate said chemical and perform Individual testing on it alone.

Testing has been postponed indefinitely for further research and shall be continued at a later date.

Further user input on this topic is still welcome.

Note to site admins: I can Hide/Redact/Delete this post/forum if needed. Just let me know to do so before submitting a negative/neutral record and I will gladly obey.
Thank you.

Updated by anonymous

Being a male makes me horny 24/7 if that's what you're asking.
Try that.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:

Thank you. I will research it and possibly test it later.

By the way @Mutisija ,have you ever taken Any Amphetamine salts? (aka adderall or similar.) and if so, did it do what you said concerta did as far as being an aphrodisiac?

Also, by 'aphrodisiac', do you mean it made you "Mentally aroused" or "Physically erect" (If you are female, Physically did it "make your tract moisten/contract, aka get a 'wide on', or was it more a mental desire?"

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Thank you. I will research it and possibly test it later.

By the way @Mutisija ,have you ever taken Any Amphetamine salts? (aka adderall or similar.) and if so, did it do what you said concerta did as far as being an aphrodisiac?

Also, by 'aphrodisiac', do you mean it made you "Mentally aroused" or "Physically erect" (If you are female, Physically did it "make your tract moisten/contract, aka get a 'wide on', or was it more a mental desire?"

im not exactly comfortable with talking about this publicly and im p sure that it would break some rules. so could we continue this thorugh private messages?

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
im not exactly comfortable with talking about this publicly and im p sure that it would break some rules. so could we continue this thorugh private messages?

but it makes my tract moisten

Updated by anonymous


So I just wanted to make sure of this: Posting my Testing Reports and such on this forum is okay right? I know there is a site rule about not posting things pertaining to RL, For example, Rape and stuff, and though this is just "Scientific Research and Analysis", I just wanted to make sure I'm not breaking any rules here.

If I am, let me know and I'll refrain.


Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
im not exactly comfortable with talking about this publicly and im p sure that it would break some rules. so could we continue this thorugh private messages?

Of course. Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Mate.

And you make a good point about this possibly breaking rules. I'll ask for myself.

Updated by anonymous

Hmm, having read most of this makes me wonder: @Kristal, are you studying something related to medicine or biology (or something close)?

As for my experiences with aphrodisiacs, well, I have none. If it is of use, I just have to give it a thought and voilá, everything is up

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Hmm, having read most of this makes me wonder: @Kristal, are you studying something related to medicine or biology (or something close)?

As for my experiences with aphrodisiacs, well, I have none. If it is of use, I just have to give it a thought and voilá, everything is up


I have a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology with Minors in Anthropology and Bio Chemistry.

I also have an Associates in Programming and IT (Server Maintenance), and an Associates in Marketing Graphics and Design.

As far as my testing goes: I do have some Environments/Chambers and Equipment available to me. I also have a License to test both Tested and Untested Prescription Medication as long as I write reports on my findings.

Also thanks for your input. It is Considered.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:

So I just wanted to make sure of this: Posting my Testing Reports and such on this forum is okay right? I know there is a site rule about not posting things pertaining to RL, For example, Rape and stuff, and though this is just "Scientific Research and Analysis", I just wanted to make sure I'm not breaking any rules here.

If I am, let me know and I'll refrain.


As long as it's not real pornography (like photos of big booty), you're all good :V

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The short answer: Aphrodisiacs in the classical sense, making a person aroused, don't exist.

There has been a lot of money and time invested into research of aphrodisiacs (who would have thought) and the results vary between "inconclusive" and "doesn't work". What they have found, however, is that some of those "aphrodisiacs" help erections by either relaxing the person, aiding blood flow, or giving a rush of endorphin. Which can make it easier to get an erection or make the erection stronger but has zero to do with arousal themselves.

Where to buy these things? If you want online shopping research a trustworthy apothecary wherever you live, has potentially higher prices but also potentially a lot safer for your body.
I would recommend waiting for the clinical trial on anything you want to use, and also not just randomly testing anything, but that's your business.

The trials showed that the placebo effect is the common source of these aphrodisiacs "working", as such personal experience widely varies based on whether or not the person believes it works.

Technically, that's not true. Testosterone is the only true aphrodisiac, but good luck trying to get your hands on the stuff, all I can find are terrible-tasting testosterone boosters that are extremely expensive.

Updated by anonymous

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