Of the seven characters mentioned on the wiki page, only three imply Swat Kats. The following do not:
commander_feral → Swat Kats
felina_feral → Swat Kats
ann_gora → Swat Kats
mayor_manx → Swat Kats
Other characters found (mainly villains):
mac mange → Swat Kats
molly mange → Swat Kats
dark kat → Swat Kats
dr viper → Swat Kats
the pastmaster → Swat Kats
turbo_kat → Swat Kats: The jet they fly around in.
Tags with only one entry:
deathpiece → Swat Kats
the_metallikats → Swat Kats; Also, implicate the_metallikats → mac mange and the_metallikats → molly mange, as the duo makes up The Metallikats.
the_red_lynx → Swat Kats
Updated by user 59725