Topic: Tag Implication: black_spots -> spots

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating black_spots → spots
Link to implication

Other colors of spots that should imply spots:

white_spots → spots
blue_spots → spots
purple_spots → spots
grey_spots → spots
black_spots → spots
green_spots → spots
rainbow_spots → spots
glowing_spots → spots
pink_spots → spots
yellow_spots → spots
red_spots → spots
orange_spots → spots


Each color of spot is a type of spot.

Updated by user 59725

TheGreatWolfgang said:
might as well implicate every other colour while you're at it


Most of the <color>_x tags (overly specific things like blue_earrings and green_playing_cards) have been kind of useless (way too undertagged, too many implications/aliases needed to work, etc.) but the body feature ones are really nice to have, particularly for those few occasions where you have a pic with no source that's been cropped.

Updated by anonymous

Is there an easy way to suggest a large number of implications at once?

Updated by anonymous

qwertyzzz18c said:
Is there an easy way to suggest a large number of implications at once?

If there's a lot, don't suggest all of them at once, this is to prevent flash floods in the forums. Post a single implication first, then add in the rest you might want to have in the reason or comments section.

Or if it's very complex, you can do this .

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
If there's a lot, don't suggest all of them at once, this is to prevent flash floods in the forums. Post a single implication first, then add in the rest you might want to have in the reason or comments section.

Or if it's very complex, you can do this .

Should i edit this post, or create a new implication request?

Updated by anonymous

qwertyzzz18c said:
Should i edit this post, or create a new implication request?

As long as it hasn't been approved/denied yet, I'd say to just edit the OP. I always look over the threads before processing them anyways, so that would be fine.

Once they've been processed though it's usually simpler to just create a new thread for it, or revive the original thread if it's very recent (else it runs the risk of getting forgotten about).

Updated by anonymous

OK, i just added the other colors of spots that are tagged. It looks like most colors other than black are rarely used, so it might not be worth it to imply those with only 1 or 2 posts.

Updated by anonymous

I've made the following changes:

Updated by anonymous

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