Topic: Happeh new year e6ers!

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Well its here, the new year! Happy 2013 everyone! Lots of people make resolutions for the beginning of the new year in attempts to change things about themselves or situations theyre in, so with it being the new year would anyone care to share resolutions theyve made? Im going to try and better my outlook on the future and strive to actually become someone in life someday.

Updated by Vagabond

IvoryWolf said:

I am going to quit smoking, starting today.

Updated by anonymous

Happy New Year everyone!
post #39168


swamprootwolf said:
I am going to quit smoking starting today. its a nasty habit that makes me a prick like lellow :3


Updated by anonymous

I promised to try to be a nicer more caring guy... Yeah right I would rather have the world's largest dildo shoved up my ass with no lube. And I'm not even gay I just hate stupid people

Updated by anonymous

suzukiman1990 said:
I promised to try to be a nicer more caring guy... Yeah right I would rather have the world's largest dildo shoved up my ass with no lube. And I'm not even gay I just hate stupid people

Not quite sure who that was directed to but regardless there really isnt need for flaming on a thread like this is there? Its a new year... Cant we try and not be unnecessarily mean?

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Not quite sure who that was directed to but regardless there really isnt need for flaming on a thread like this is there? Its a new year... Cant we try and not be unnecessarily mean?

I'm not flaming at anybody on this Site I just am just annoyed with everyone involved with my life it always seems everyone hates me my boss made me work through christmas and new years nobody ever seems to be happy with the efferts I put into anything. That was not me flaming at anyone that's my actual resolution. Did not mean to make it sound as mean as it did

Updated by anonymous

suzukiman1990 said:
I'm not flaming at anybody on this Site I just am just annoyed with everyone involved with my life it always seems everyone hates me my boss made me work through christmas and new years nobody ever seems to be happy with the efferts I put into anything. That was not me flaming at anyone that's my actual resolution. Did not mean to make it sound as mean as it did

Oooooh... My apologies, well with that said I hope this year shows improvement for you... It sounds like the year past was not so kind.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Oooooh... My apologies, well with that said I hope this year shows improvement for you... It sounds like the year past was not so kind.

I hope it does I'm just tired of being treated like Crap and not being able to say anything about it

Updated by anonymous

I made an extra special note to spend the first day of this new year in the most depressing way possible.

Asleep. All day.

Updated by anonymous

Hmm… let's see, this year's resolutions:

1-. Procrastinate less

E: Oh, hi Ivory! =^_^=

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Hmm… let's see, this year's resolutions:

1-. Procrastinate less

E: Oh, hi Ivory! =^_^=

Rofl hello! Happy new year :p

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Rofl hello! Happy new year :p

Thank you, happy new year to you too :D and to the rest of esix users too

Updated by anonymous

Thehee, I don't give a damn about new year's eve, at leats not about the gregorian one, but I still went out with my friends and had some epic partying, simply for fun's sake, totally worht it, so, yeha, HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D

Updated by anonymous

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