Topic: Tag Alias: elbow_fur -> elbow_tufts

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

Any specific reason why this is downvoted?
Based on current usage, this seems correct.

scaliespe said:
That shouldn’t matter since the elbow_fur tag is being aliased away in this case; the target tag can still include feathers tufts.

Yeah, same as with cheek_tuft there's no cheek_fur/feathers, and with head_tuft there's some but not many head_fur/head_feathers. With chest_tuft, there is a fair number of chest_fur but no chest_feathers.

Though either way, it should probably be elbow_tuft that it's aliased or implicated to, rather than elbow_tufts.

watsit said:
Yeah, same as with cheek_tuft there's no cheek_fur/feathers, and with head_tuft there's some but not many head_fur/head_feathers. With chest_tuft, there is a fair number of chest_fur but no chest_feathers.

Though either way, it should probably be elbow_tuft that it's aliased or implicated to, rather than elbow_tufts.

head feathers seems to be used for feather hair in most cases, so that one would probably be the better alias. The rest of them probably could be aliased to their respective *_tuft tag, though.

Rejected because the request is old and badly presented, if someone wants to alias *_fur -> *_tuft then please request a BUR with all applicable tags

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