lets play a game i put X and you put O
Updated by NotMeNotYou
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lets play a game i put X and you put O
Updated by NotMeNotYou
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Playing tic-tac-toe in forums?!
I'll ruin this game:
Read the guidelines once more, OP.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
OP didn't say anything about how many to put.
Updated by anonymous
Snowy said:
OP didn't say anything about how many to put.|X|O|O|
|X|X|X| O O O O O O O
He didn't say anything about not being able to take an opponent's pieces.
Those O's by the side are the corpses of your men. I'd say they fought valiantly, but they did not.
Updated by anonymous
Well, OP started with X and Clawdragons made OP win with his brilliant move.
Updated by anonymous