Bulk Update Request: Marriage tags (lorification edition)

  • Reference forum #400384
  • Creator Slocheze
  • Date 2024-04-12 10:17:03 -0400
  • Status: pending
  • Estimate: 14534


create alias husband (1193) -> husband_(lore) (0)
create alias husband_and_husband (186) -> husband_and_husband_(lore) (0)
create alias husband_and_wife (5234) -> husband_and_wife_(lore) (0) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias married_couple (6531) -> married_couple_(lore) (0) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias spouse (5) -> spouse_(lore) (0)
create alias wife (1265) -> wife_(lore) (0)
create alias wife_and_husband_(lore) (0) -> husband_and_wife_(lore) (0)
create alias wife_and_wife (117) -> wife_and_wife_(lore) (0)
change category husband_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category husband_and_husband_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category husband_and_spouse_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category husband_and_wife_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category married_couple_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category spouse_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category spouse_and_spouse_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category wife_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category wife_and_husband_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category wife_and_spouse_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
change category wife_and_wife_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing
