Bulk Update Request: BUR: Aliasing of non-TWYS family tags to proper lore tags - 1


create alias parent_and_intersex_child (6) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39758)
create alias parent_dom_child_sub (9) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39758)
create alias parent_penetrating_child (6) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39758)
create alias parent_penetrating_cub (1) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39758)
create alias parent_penetrating_son (2) -> parent_and_son_(lore) (23613)
create alias parent_penetrating_duaghter (1) -> parent_and_daughter_(lore) (15668)
create alias parent_penetrating_daughter (0) -> parent_and_daughter_(lore) (15668)
create alias parent_swap (10) -> parent_(lore) (47053)
create alias parent_penetrated (4) -> parent_(lore) (47053)
create alias father_penetrating_son (1760) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11803) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through BUR
create alias father_dom_son_sub (186) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11803)
create alias father_fingering_son (40) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11803)
create alias father_rimming_son (0) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11803)
create alias father_penetrating_daughter (714) -> father_and_daughter_(lore) (7223)
create alias father_fingering_daughter (25) -> father_and_daughter_(lore) (7223)
create alias father_fisting_daughter (0) -> father_and_daughter_(lore) (7223)
create alias father_penetrating_child (4) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18907)
create alias father_penetrating (88) -> father_(lore) (20923)
create alias father_penetrated (23) -> father_(lore) (20923)
create alias father_rimmed (0) -> father_(lore) (20923)
create alias father_rimming (0) -> father_(lore) (20923)
