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I hate when I'm holding wieners, and I think they're calm, but then one sizzles back up again, cause then I flinch and almost let go of the wieners, cause I don't want to get sprayed with hot wiener juice.

#Innuendo #ThatsWhatSheSaid

In response to blip #66753

@Chameloshi: Not to mention that you need the Arcane Smithing perk AND the Delarsium Smithing perk, which you can't get the latter by leveling up, no sir.

Yoshkrydon is the only one who even has that perk, and he ain't keen on sharing it.

Pure Delarsium can just be Enchanted Delarsium, that can justify the fact that it doesn't adhere to the laws of physics much.

It's like, to enchant one Delarsium ingot, you need a special Master-level spell that costs about 1000 magicka to cast.

In response to blip #66736

@Doomguy666: idk if she's trying to get some shits 'n giggles but that ship has fucking sailed already. I was THIS CLOSE to going off on her and fucking quitting.

But I don't want to quit. I'm getting payed $18.39 an hour and it's holding me back.


Former Staff
In response to blip #66734

@W0LFB3AT5: got told that my art is shitty, to drop dead, and that I was hated by someone I cared a lot about and put up with a huge amount of shit from for years. pretty nasty fight.

while I saw it coming and I'm not surprised, it still sucks.

Just got home from work. The rave was intense, girls literally walking around in their underwear, dudes were running and falling all over the place, bass dropping harder than my grades in middle school, I got In-N-Out. Craziest experience I've had yet

Just realized there's an ":orig" URL modifier for Twitter images after trying to understand how @Cat-in-Flight was finding such large images. I thought I was smart-ish using Inspect Element to reach some images. pfft
*~*the more you know*~*

thanks everybody. He meant a lot to me, even going as far as being my main motivator for exercise. I only really started going on runs to keep him in shape, not myself.

I was so tired and in so much pain that my sister had to walk to my work and drive me home... I cried in the car ride. I fucking HATE the super bowl at this point. And I have to work tomorrow. For 8 hours. For the fifth day in a row.

Holy shiz, I'm working a rave right now. Never been to one before but from hearing the rehearsal, it's gonna be intense

Holy shit guys caves of qud is the cat's meow like goddamn it makes me want to hole up in my house and do nothing productive irl for a week

In a few weeks a group of my friends along with myself are going to play paintball

I have never played except for on the Wii and I feel like I'm gonna win do pretty ok


Does anyone know if I can buy real holdable frisky ferals comics?
I want to start my collection and that was on the list.
Support the artist I like.

Some Instagram-famous chef dude is teaming up with a chicken place on my block and everyone in town is gonna be there, including me.

But I'm not going for the dude, I'm going for the food
-Husky 2k17

In response to blip #66693

@Chameloshi: The Dart Gun was way less tactical than it should have been, haha. It turned melee enemies into an absolute joke and generally made the game piss-easy when not fighting humans or robots. Pretty hilarious though.

Idea for a firearm in a Fallout game: High-power magnum that has a 100% chance of crippling limbs and a 100% chance of dismemberment upon death.

BUT, heavy, single shot, slow reload, verh high recoil, no mods, extremely rare and expensive ammo.