I hate when I'm holding wieners, and I think they're calm, but then one sizzles back up again, cause then I flinch and almost let go of the wieners, cause I don't want to get sprayed with hot wiener juice.
#Innuendo #ThatsWhatSheSaid
I hate when I'm holding wieners, and I think they're calm, but then one sizzles back up again, cause then I flinch and almost let go of the wieners, cause I don't want to get sprayed with hot wiener juice.
#Innuendo #ThatsWhatSheSaid
Tiddley-winks said:
Ferrets are the best animals. :3
Ay grill, bunnies nd huskies r numba1, dang mane, luh alda buns
SaltFest said:
Dude, does anyone know where @Paradyce went? It's been weird not seeing them comment in a while...
it's a blessing that i don't have to sit through the comments again
@Mothership, @TheGreatWolfgang: Thanks to you two as well
Ratte said:
man what a shitty day
hi Trooper201 here was they're anything wrong with my art image could you explain that was wrong in it? I might need you to explain the resin why may I ask?
post #834133
Yep. Helpful too.
Like I said before, better there than Encyclopedia Drammatica. Aka Chris Chan's thorn in his backside.
post #862592
Yes. Shaken, not stirred.
Never thought I'd draw these characters. Never even heard of the Aracuan Bird before this request.
Ferrets are the best animals. :3
Woo, 4pm
@Chameloshi: Not to mention that you need the Arcane Smithing perk AND the Delarsium Smithing perk, which you can't get the latter by leveling up, no sir.
Yoshkrydon is the only one who even has that perk, and he ain't keen on sharing it.
@Chameloshi: This would be hard to do since Yoshkrydon is the only person who knows the spell, and most Brolandians are absolute shit when it comes to using Magicka. There decent at defending against it, they just suck at using it for themselves.
Pure Delarsium can just be Enchanted Delarsium, that can justify the fact that it doesn't adhere to the laws of physics much.
It's like, to enchant one Delarsium ingot, you need a special Master-level spell that costs about 1000 magicka to cast.
GameManiac said:
Over 1,000,000 posts on e621! I remember two years ago when we were still in the 500,000s.
Shall I get the wine sir?
Over 1,000,000 posts on e621! I remember two years ago when we were still in the 500,000s.
@TheHuskyK9: welcome to the crazy side of living.
@Doomguy666: it's tough, I know...
@W0LFB3AT5: thanks, I bet it'll blow over soon and yeah it would be hard to quit while getting $18.39 an hour I make 11 something an hour and it'd be hard to quit.
@Doomguy666: but I'm glad you're enjoying your job bro. Happy for ya.
I'm just having mild troubles right now. Hopefully this'll blow over.
@W0LFB3AT5: sounds irksome, it's less stringent at lowes even when only two stockers showed up for work and I had to do two peoples job my boss told me to finish what I can and not to worry about the rest when it was time to go home.
@W0LFB3AT5: nope, they apparently want to completely wash their hands of my existence, presumably because I'm not a guy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Doomguy666: idk if she's trying to get some shits 'n giggles but that ship has fucking sailed already. I was THIS CLOSE to going off on her and fucking quitting.
But I don't want to quit. I'm getting payed $18.39 an hour and it's holding me back.
@Ratte: Holy shit. I'm sorry to hear. :(
I've had a few friends before I fought with as a teen. It's pretty mildly traumatizing.
I hope that person you said you cared will at least still talk to you. Hopefully just a triggered event. :T
@Doomguy666: it's just our stocking rule. Probably felt too slow trying to pick up my pace. I'm stocking 500 cases by my own and having little help. Yet my boss says I'm too slow. EVEN THOUGH I've worked for 5 years she still treats me like shit.
@W0LFB3AT5: that sucks, what happened?
@W0LFB3AT5: got told that my art is shitty, to drop dead, and that I was hated by someone I cared a lot about and put up with a huge amount of shit from for years. pretty nasty fight.
while I saw it coming and I'm not surprised, it still sucks.
@Ratte: heh, you and me both... -__-
I nearly got fired.
I've never felt this debilitated since my folks nearly had a divorce.
Just got home from work at 5am and my boss in a pissed off mood as to why I'm still working past 3am EVEN THOUGH I stocked 500 cases by myself nonstop.
man what a shitty day
Just got home from work. The rave was intense, girls literally walking around in their underwear, dudes were running and falling all over the place, bass dropping harder than my grades in middle school, I got In-N-Out. Craziest experience I've had yet
@GameManiac: Crap you're right.
I like how they used my old profile description for my hobbies, like, the literal text.
@BlueOfClubs: I blame them for not linking the URL with the modifier as source. .3.
@Fenrick: That's sad... I'm sorry for your loss.
@Fenrick: My deepest condolences.
Just realized there's an ":orig" URL modifier for Twitter images after trying to understand how @Cat-in-Flight was finding such large images. I thought I was smart-ish using Inspect Element to reach some images. pfft
*~*the more you know*~*
thanks everybody. He meant a lot to me, even going as far as being my main motivator for exercise. I only really started going on runs to keep him in shape, not myself.
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
You have my sympathies as a dog breeder.
I was so tired and in so much pain that my sister had to walk to my work and drive me home... I cried in the car ride. I fucking HATE the super bowl at this point. And I have to work tomorrow. For 8 hours. For the fifth day in a row.
@Fenrick: My condolences. Putting down a dog must be horrible.
Fenrick said:
Thanks guys. And yeah, he was the best. Always good to be around, to the end
My condolences.
I hope things look up for you in the future.
@Fenrick: I send my condolences to you
Holy shiz, I'm working a rave right now. Never been to one before but from hearing the rehearsal, it's gonna be intense
@Fenrick: Had to put my childhood dog to rest a few months ago. Horrible feeling of loosing her.
I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks guys. And yeah, he was the best. Always good to be around, to the end
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
Damn, sorry to hear that.
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope S/he was a true man's best friend.
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
Sorry for your loss. :(
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
Holy shit guys caves of qud is the cat's meow like goddamn it makes me want to hole up in my house and do nothing productive irl for a week
Did Scientists Really Make Metallic Hydrogen?
Hope so, just gotta wait. :3
@MariaDevita: Maybe :V
TheHuskyK9 said:
@MariaDevita: Trust me, it's awesome and a nice adrenaline pumper
Was that a pun on airsoft guns?
@MariaDevita: Trust me, it's awesome and a nice adrenaline pumper
In a few weeks a group of my friends along with myself are going to play paintball
I have never played except for on the Wii and I feel like I'm gonna win do pretty ok
@VividNorth: here I found one for you enjoy, I know I love mine. slave
GameManiac said:
post #1127556Oh, my chest hurts now.
Cuteness of that magnitude can't be repelled.
Does anyone know if I can buy real holdable frisky ferals comics?
I want to start my collection and that was on the list.
Support the artist I like.
VividNorth said:
For those of you who live under a rock...
...What are you, vanilla?
...BDSM slave. Duh.What should I be doing?
Step 1: try being less of an ass.
Some Instagram-famous chef dude is teaming up with a chicken place on my block and everyone in town is gonna be there, including me.
But I'm not going for the dude, I'm going for the food
-Husky 2k17
Peanut Butter Glows in the Dark
Nice, though I only have red lasers.
Oh, my chest hurts now.
I beat my personal best time in 0.2 which was 33 minutes and I got 31 minutes. Shaved off 2 minutes, I'm on a roll!
@Chameloshi: The Dart Gun was way less tactical than it should have been, haha. It turned melee enemies into an absolute joke and generally made the game piss-easy when not fighting humans or robots. Pretty hilarious though.
What Does Slime Do In Liquid Nitrogen?
Very unexpected with slimy core.
@Fenrick: But that's a tactical weapon used mostly for slowing down the target than dealing damage, my idea is basically a S&W .500 from hell specifically designed for hunting pissed off Deathclaws for sport.
@Chameloshi: Just bring back Fallout 3's dart gun
Idea for a firearm in a Fallout game: High-power magnum that has a 100% chance of crippling limbs and a 100% chance of dismemberment upon death.
BUT, heavy, single shot, slow reload, verh high recoil, no mods, extremely rare and expensive ammo.
@VividNorth: Try Second Life. They have RP communities, so you could find it without risking breaking any rules here.
No info for US EO5 till after Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse and Persona 5 releases, it would seem.